Grosse - BV4500 G76 1640

--------- Per frafions to come to Chrift. I 37 Fulneffe is-the common detire of all perfons ; the ambitious defires fulnefsee of honours, the covetOus fulnefse of riches:, s Ifa 56. to. the voluptuous fulnefse of pleafures : they are very greedy, and can never have i enough of this fulnefser Much mor, should Chriflians defire the fulnefse ofChrií,the onely true and deferable fulnefse. As Davids Worthies in the day o Davids thirtf, brake through the Philiftian Army and drew water out of the Well at Bethel ; fo let us in the day of our thirtf after Chrift, in the time of our want, break through all impediments; all armies of trouble and oppofition railed againi us and come to Chrift, the Well, whence come the k Mat.i I. 2.8 waters of falvation. To this Chrift himfelfe invites us k Come unto me ; Come unto me as the Fick unto the Phyfitian to heale you of all your finfull maladies : Cone unto me as the Traveller to the Sim, to fill you with all divine and hea- venly light, to guide you in all your goings : Come unto me as the thirfty to the living fountaine, to lupply all your wants, to fill all your desires : Come unto me as the Sheepe to the Shepheard to lead'you befide the frill waters, and to feed you in the green Paftures : Come unto me as the Chicken to theHen,to hide you under the wings of my pro. to &ion Come unto me as the poore unto the rich, as the .Buyer unto the Merchants fhop, and boy of me, * not for No p,'ecio price, but by prayer, I gold tried in the fire, that .thou mayea fef1 prece. be rich ; and White rayment, that thou mayeff be clòathed ; 11e1.3. z E. and eye- jalve, that thou mayeft fee. And thus runs the charge of the Lord by the Prophet, m Leol' to me, and be ye (raved, all m Ifa.45 ° a' "' ye ends of the earth : Looke unto me ith the eyes of Faith, beleeving in me and my promises ;' with the eyes of godly forrow, mourning for your finnes and offences with the eyes oflove, embracing meas the husband of your foules with the eyes of obedience, fearing and obeying me above all commanders. Thus looke unto me, and be 'ye Paved ; Paved from finne; that it Tway not over you ; faved from Sa- tan, that he rule not within Ion ; laved from afrOtion,that it (hall not fwallow you ; and faved from the Law, that it (hall not condemne you. Chrift minifters all falvation to them that by a lively faith come unto him : this is. the end G 3 and.