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46 --r-- n o Pfal` 45.ía. p Gea.x z.z. Three things perfwadiug to come toChrift a. Per1 ivafìon to comte to Chrifi. and fruit of Chrifts comming by his Word and Spirit to the fouies of men : fly a beloved (faith the Spoufelfpoke unto me, outwardly by his Word and T iniiters, and inwardly by his Spirit, 4rije up, my Lave, my faire ow, and come away : Rife up front the death of finne, as eon etime the dead rote up from the grave; from the difeafe offinne, ignorance, unbeleefe, impenitency, as the ficke aria: from their difeaf e, and return to health ; from the fleep and flumber, reign and rule of tin, as Peter arofe ftom his fleep, his fetters, the two Souldiers, and came forth of.HHerods prifun ; from communion and fel- lowíhip with corrupt and carnali men, as Lazarus rote out of his grave from the fellowfhip of the dead : Rife up and come away from the world, carnaIi acquaintance, and flefh- ly delights, as the Bride comes away ° from her owne people, and her fathers boufe, unto the Bride - groome ; as fometime Abra- ham p came away from his owne countrey,and from his kin- dred, and from his fathers houle, unto a Land which the Lord 4hewed him : Ariiè and come away from all lint-611 pleafitres, as Sampfon arofe from De1i,'abs lap, buril his withs afunder, and came away from her : Rife and come away from all corrupt and carnali doarine,as the Prodigal! arofe from the huskes and the Swine, and came to his Fathers houle, to eat his Fathers bread Rife up and come away even from thy felfe, by felfe- deniall, and putting off thy old man, as Lazarus rote up,put away his grave - clothes,and left them behinde him : Thus rife up and come away to Chrill. That man alone comes to Co, ill Jefus, who rifeth up from the world, himfelfe, .and his owne corrupt affe &ions : And unto him let us come as the lame man came to Bethejda, that we may be healed ; as the Elders of Gilead came to Jeptha, that we may be preferved,prote&ed,delivered; as the thinly come to the Mil Fountain,that we may be filled,and all our wants Cupplycd. And the more effe &ually to move and perfwade you to come to Çhriff, fa len your hearts and thoughts ferioufly upon there three things : Mans neceility of Chri`i, Mans mifery without Chrifi Man is fpiritually dead, and none but Chrift can raite him. The