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Acquiefcence in Cbrifi. falnefs of the light of the Sun,and looks for no other light ; the builderquicts himfeif in the Rrength of the rock, &looks out for no ocher fohdadon to build upon:So let us quiet our felves. iit Chrif}, and look for no other guide,no other hei- per,no other comforter,no otherSaviour.As old 7acob fome- time Paid of joie pb, It is f enough, jofeph it }et alive, I will goe and fee him : fó let as fay, It is enough, Chrift liveth, Chrift reigneth, Chrift bath fulneffe, we will goe to him, flay on hint, fatiate and delight our fovies in hire : This the Lord requires, He g that walks, in d rkneffe and bath no light, let him g 1f. ftay upon the Lord, and trufi in the name of his God. As the hoofs iu tha Parable flayed upon the rocke when the windes did Maah.6. blow, and the waves dib beat : thus in the windes and waves of all trouble, let us ftay on Chrift without wavering ; to this the Lord gives many fweet encouragements, It Trull in the Lard with a full,a quiet, a compofed and refolved minde i'r' 37. and doe good, live gracioufly,walke holily,keep dole to God, Verre 3, fo fbalt thou dwell in the Land ;thou (halt not be difmayed with any feares, nor grow impatientwith troubles, now be overcome with forrowes, nor removed from thy Ration, but verily thou pair be fed, thou (halt enjoy every neceffary good thing with a fètled, quiet and contented minde : Delight thy felfe alto in Verre the Lord, as a childe in the father, as a wife in the husband, as a rich man in his treafury ; delight thy felfe in the com- mandement of God as in the light which guides thee,in the promife of God as in the Raffe which firftaines thee, in the favour ofGod as in the warmeft Sunne that ever fhined up- on thee,in the attributes of God as in the branches fhadow- ing, and firearms refreshing thee : Thus delight thy relfe in the Lord, and he fhallgive thee thy hearts defi re ; he Qiall fully anfwer all thy holy and gracious defires, when thou haft thus fully committed thy felfe unto him, and quieted thy felfe with him : Commit thy way alfo to the Lord, receive all thy dire&ion vcrrc 5: from him, doe all according to his prefcription, leave the ¡fl'ue of all to bis difpofiLion, and be (hall bring it to paffe, give it fisch an ifline as hall be greatly for thy comfort ; Reif in the Lord and watt patiently for him ; though thou fuffer many evils, V7er {e doe not repine, doe not limit nor prefcribe God, doe not I Rep 57 f Gexi.45.z8.