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. Con`ó avions . flowing from Chrifts ful- nat.% Cots, folattons of Chrip fssdnele. ftep afide from God to any forbidden helpes, fuppreef e the tumults of thy heart,and wait as Noah did for the abatement of-the waters, and coming of the Dove, quiet thy felfe in Chriftt : looke upon the authority of Christ, to difpenfe all as he pleafeth ; upon the wifdome of Chrift,to make a way for thy foule to c rape; upon the power of Chrill,to deliver thee;upon the prefe. c:: of Chri l,to minifiter encouragement to thee;upon tl}e love of Chrift,to fweeten the bittereft eftate unto thy foul ; upon the faithfu1neffe ofChrift,never to for- fake thee ; upon the happineffe of cleaving dole to Chrift, though all the .,rorld oppofe thee ; and upon the abundant fulneffe that Chrift is to thy foule, when all other things are taken from thee, and thou (halt folace and flay thy felfe upon Chrif;s fulneffe with a full acquiefcence. From the fulnefs of the Lord J s s u s Howes a full fonn- taine of confolation to the foules of all beleevers ; confola- tion againit all external! wants : He cannot be poore that bath Chrift, in whom is all fulnef e ; when the is fpoyled of all, he hath an abiding fubftance. Chrift is the Sunne in whom is all light ; the Pearle, in whom is all worth; the Trce,on whom grower all fruit : The Soule which is efpou- fed to the heire of all things, bath no caufe to complaine of the want of riches : he that enjoyes Chrift, and diftraFks himfelfe about worldly abilities, knowes not his own hap - pineffe ; under - values the portion which God bath given him, having a feaft of fat things,a rich jewel,a living fpring, a glorious Sunne at home, feekes abroad for huskes to feed him, droffe to enrich him, a glow - worme to warme him, and ditch and dirty water to quench the thirft that is within him. What is the vintage of Abiezar to the gleanings of E- phraim?' the Onions elnd Garlicke of Egypt to the Grapes of Canaan ? Is Pharphar .ike 7ordan ? Is the broken cifterne like the fountaine ? The fulneffe of the world to the fulne& of Chrift is nothing : he that hath Chrift, hath the richeft portion, though he have nothing betides him. Here is con - folation againft the want of carnali friends, earthly peace, and worldly comforts : though Saul cannot be merry with out a Fidler, Ahab without Nabetbs Vineyard, Haman with- out