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o Itifeperabk =ion. --. Dour. Ufa. 7,144 m Io(1n Y. 14 gÿcb:iO.j dwell among them ; they {hall enjoy his grace and favour here, and his glory hereafter. The God -head dwels in the hu- main nature of Chrift by perfonall and perpetual) union of both natures ; and this isthe dwelling here fpoken of : Whence we fee, that Cbrift ii God and man in one perfon by an infeparable union. The Pillar which condo &ed lfrael, was a fire and a cloud, yet both but one Pillar : Chi ',.ft the great condu&or and guide of Gods lfrael, is God and likewife man, yet in both but one perfon, therefore called 1 Immanuel, God with us,. or, God pnade flefli ; noting the union' of his two natures inc one per- fon, and his office of Mediation between God and Man, being the autlhourof fllvation both temporal' and eternal' to the foule and body of man. The Temple was a type of Chriff,ffone without and gold within:Chrift was flefh with- out, according to his humain nature ; full of refplendent glory, and divine Majeffy within,in refpe& of his divine na- ture. In the Temple the glory of God appeared,theTemple was filled with it : in the flefh ofChrift the God -head inha- biteth, molt glorioufly replenifhi'ng it;.The I. Word (faith S. Jahn) was madefief!), and dwelt among us, and we beheld hie glory,ac the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father, full of grace and trucb. The Word was made flefh, not by bare and na- ked inhabitation in the flefh, pretence with the flefh, af- fe &ion- to..the, flefh, or grace and dignity conferred on the flefh, nor by converfion of the Word into Leib, or com- mixture of the Word with the flefh ; but by the afl'ump- tion of the Leib into the unifie of his perfon, the hypo - ffafis or fubf. fence of. the Sonne, being made the hypofta- fis or fubfiftence of the Leib affumed, the flefh fubfifting in the perfon of the Word. The Apoftle makes mention of the Sonne thus, fpeaking to the Father, n Sacrifice and offer - ing thou wouldit not, but a body haft thou fined tie, by incarnati- on, by uniting it to nay perfon : and this union is not a uni- on of two perlons in one Chrift, but of two natures in one perfon ; the fubfiftence of the Word is fo communicated to the flefh,that theWord. and flefh are one perfon,the natural' properties and operations ofboth nature&rernainingdiftin& and