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Chrifis exaltation. .:. and without confiifion : the divine and humain nature are both united, the humain nature is affunied, the divine nature is the affüment ; not the perfon but the nature ofrnan, not man but the humanity is taken by Chrift into the unity of his perfon ; otherwife he Ihould not be one but two perfons, not one but two Chrifts : The Scripture therefore cals him Tavids ° Sonne, and Th nids Lord, becauCe he is both God and Man in one perfon : And this union is without mutation of the divine Perlon, without divifion, confufion, or fepara - tion of the natures the union is everlaflingly permanent. Of this Chriffs appearing to the Fathers of old in the fhape of man,werePrseludiums and Symbols : and this was alto ty- pified by the Tabernacle of Wes in the Defert, that being a type of Chrifs affirming our flefh, and dwelling amongft us as in a Tabernacle4The.Tabernacle was a teftimony of Gods pretence with his people :P God by his Son made flefh,doth teffife.himfelfe to be gracioufly prefent with us.The people came to the Tabernacle to worfhip, invocate and offer their Sacrifice unto God : God will not be invocated and adored byman, but in and through Chrift naanifefted in the flefh of man. And it was neceffary that Chrift fhould be God and Man in one perfon : In regard of the exaltation of the hurhain nature of Chrift above all creatures,all Men and Angels : Saints and Angels are one with God and Chrift by gracious qualities, confent of will and opinion, and myfticall conju&ion ; the humain nature of Chrift is one with his divine perfon by a more tranfsendét,erninent,& immediate cójun &ion,being affumed into the unity of his perfon. yo¡epb was exalted above his bre thren,above all the Nobles in the Court of Pharaoh : Chrift, even according to the flefh, is exalted above men,yea above all the Angels, the choyceft Nobles, .of him that is the King of kings. From this perfonall union, is derived anincóm- prehenfible communication of all divine and heavenly gifts to the humain nature of Chaift, an untrion above q ali bis fe1- loroes ; like that of Joiepb to Benjamin, five timer as good, ma- ny degrees more excellent. then that which- is bellowed on- 13 his o Mat. s;t.45. p Luke r. i8, 75,79. z Grounds hereof. Y. Chrifts.exal- ta Lion. q Pfalï45:7: