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r John 3 3 4.; s Heb.i.4. 2. Man. falvati- on. t .I 6,17 ta job 15.15. w Ifa.6. z i x Revel.3 ro. Chri exaltation. his brethren, whether Angels or Menthe Spirit being given unto him = above meafure, having all heavenly fulnefle, like the fulnefs of light in the Sunne,or waters in the Sea. From this union the humain nature obtaines the honour of ado-. ration ; yet not of the flefh as fiefh, but of the God -head in the flefh, the God -head and the man -hood making but o ne perfon in the Sonne ; and he is laid to be let downe at the right hand of God, being made f o f much better then the Angels,as be bath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then they ; {fie Angels being fervants, Chrift a Son, both by eternall gene- ration, and hypoftaticall union. In regard ofmans falvation. Such was mans neceffity of Chrifls incarnation, of his affirming mans flefh into the uni- ty of his perfon, that he could not be raved but by fuch a Redeemer as was both God and Man in one perfon. FM}, the Majefty of God, the poverty and indigency of man, the greatnefs of the evill to be rmmovcd,and the greatneffe of the good to be reflored, required that mans Redeemer fhould be God : Such is the Majefty of God, that none could in- terpofe himfelfe, but he that is one with the Father ; the 'Angels could not, they themfelves have need of a mediator of t union and confirmation ; they themfelves compared with God, are not y pure in his fight, and therefore they w cover their faces : how much leffe can man doe it, when not one of them is x righteous. The evill to be taken away, fin and the confequents offinne, the wrath of God, the power of Sa- tan, death temporali and eternall, are a difeafe of that dif- ficulty, that none can cure it a fire of that heat that none can endure it, a burthen of that weight that none can land under it, but he that is omnipotent : for by whole paflion can the offence of an infinite Majefty be expiated, but by his who is alto infinite ? By whole interceílion can the wrath of God be appealed, but by his who is the bell beloved Son of God ? By whole ftrength can Satan, with all the powers ofdarkneffe, be vanquifk.d, but by his who is ftronger then all the Devils ? Who can over-come death, Lut he that hath the power of death ? The good things to be refiored, are, perfc& righteoufieffe, adoption, the image of God,the gifts t of