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Miff' perfeelim. 69 _ ; .w_____ CHAP. XIII. Declaring thepereflion and fulneffe of Ghrifi above the fulnefe ofall Creatures. H E fourth thing iii these words, is the matter which dvvelleth in Chrifl ; and that is all fulneffe ; and the fift is the condition or quality of this fulneffe, the fulneffe of the God -bead. In Saints and Angels dwels a fulneffe of'divine qualities, in Chris the fulneffe of divine essence ; and herein aria, as man, is manifested to be far more excellent then others, to come neerer to God, and to participate more of the fulness , of G od , then all creatures. And hence we learn, that Cbri fs perfeVion and fulneffe cloth infinitely furpaffe the ftrineffe Dear. of all creatures. As the fulneffe of the sea furpatfeth the ful- neffe of fmalI vessels ; as Saul was d bead and shoulders in ffature d i Sain. r o. above the people : fo is Chrift in heavenly ftature and fulneffe z z. fat above all men and Angels; therefore is he filed the e bead e Ephef.r.zz. of all principality and power, for his compleat dominion over li creatures ; f the Prince of the Kings of the earth, to fhew his f Revel. *.ç. power over all Kings, tyrants, and whatfoever enemies ; g the beire of all things, having intereft in, dominion over all g Neb. r . 2. creatures in heaven and earth ; the whole world is his inhe- ritance. Such is Chrifts riches, that all the fulneffe of the world is but poverty, in comparison of him ; and all the ftrength of the creature :rut weakneffe compared with the h E het r. ao, power that is in his arme: Fat God (faith the Apoftle) h rai- fed 21322. himfrom the dead, and fet him at his owne right hand in heaven - y places, far above all principality and power, and might anddomi- nion, and every name that is named, Lot only in this world, but alfo in that.wbicb is to come : Above the name of Kings for his do- minion, above the name of rich nien for his wealth, above thename of Conqueroursfor.his vi &ory, above the name of Saints and Angels for his purity, wildome, and mof exqui- fite and abfoluteperfe&ion. Anndthis appearq_by the excellency of Chriús original' : K 3 As