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70 j As he is the fecond perfon in the Trinity, he is begotten of his Father by an eternall generation, Very God of very God : As man, he is the Son of God by hypoftaticall union, his humanity fublifting in the perfon of the Son. Of Chrift therefore the Apof le faith, that he is i the brightneffe of bis I a- thers glory and the expref e image of his perfon, being made fo much better then the Angels as he bath, by inheritance, obtained a more ex- cellent name then they. He is the brightneffe of his Fathers glo- ry, as the beames are the glory ofthe Sun ; and the expreffe image of his perfon, as the print of the Seale on the Wax is the expreffe image of the Seale it (elfe ; and is more excel- lent then the choyceft creatures, being the expreffe and lively image of his Father, the maker ofall by his power, the heire of all by his birth, the fupporter of all by his providence, the revealer of all myftrries by his wifdome, the purgation of all fins by the facrfiice of himfelfe, head King and Ruler of all by his feffion at the right hand of God : And thus he hath a more excellent name then the Angels, according to his divinity by eternall generation of his Father, being the naturall Son of God, confubftantiall with the Father ; ac- cording to his flef1h, by a temporali birth of the Virgin, and 1 operation of the holy Ghoft, the flcfh being affumed of the Son into the unity of his perfon ; fo that the fame Son is both God and Man, not two Sons but one ; and that not by adoption, but by union, not made a Son, but borne a Son, the flefh being affumed into the unity of the perfon of the naturali Son : As Cbrift hath being from, and union with the Father more naturally, intimately and entirely, then any of the creatures ;fo he excels all others. He that is molt fully of God by regeneration, and commetta neereft unto 'God by gracious union and communion, is the molt excel- lent of many people. This appeares by the proportion between his humiliation and his exaltation : he was abated and humbled below o- therrs, he appeared in the k the forme of a fervant, he was of no repntation, reje&ed, reproached, perfecuted, accuked, blai pheméd, fpet upon, put to the fhamfuIl death ofthe Croffe, kind his; cule forrowfull. to the death. And as he was humbled arias pcertliofa 3 Grounds =?f Chrift above all creatures. r. Excellency ofChrifts ori- ginali. Hob.r.3. Proportion between Chrif}shumi- liation and exaltation. k Phil.z.7. and