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Ghrifis excellency fuperlative. 7 3 ment, as the waters of the Sea, as the fire upon the AItar, when other fulneffe faileth, like the waters of Tema, and vani fhed like a vapour This is a growing fulneffe, like the wa- ters comming out under the Temple, rifng higher and higher, fhining like the light more and more to the perk& day. This is an honourable fulneffe, it is a Crowne and a Diadem to him that bath it, it makes man an excellent cran indeed. To excell in vertue is mans choyceft excellency: It is a fweet and comfortable, a fatisfa&ory and contenting fulneffe, a Feaff of marrow and fat things, and of wine refined upon the lees ; a River that fiIleth and makes glad the foule : Oh then above all fulneffe, highly prize, diligently leek, ear - neffly hunger after the fulneffe of God ; care not for the ful- neffe of gold, fulneffe of lands, fulneffe of honour, fulncffe of carnali contentments, but for the fulnefï'e of God : this will make thee ftrong againft temptations, patient in affli- &ions,: joyfuli in fufferings, holy in thought, gracious in fpeech, fruitfull in a &ion, humble in prolperity, ccnident in adverfity, fervent in prayer, profitable in hearing, godly in converfation, and gracioufly affured of future fulneffe, of an eternity of all bliffe and happinefíe. CHAP. XIIII. Setting forth the fuperlative excellency of Chri(l above all creatures. u E R. E, as in a glaffe, we may behold the tranfcendent l land fuperlative excellency of Jefus Chrift above all the creatures. David was better then ten thoufands of the people : Chrift is more excellent then all the thoufands of men and Angels ; bin name alone if excellent, for his divine originali, for his union of two natures in one perron, and for the mighty workes which have been wrought by him. God bath given him a name above every name, for dignity, Majefty,autho- PbiL$.9. rity, power, and mort eompleat perfe&ion ; as the name of Kings is above the name of Subje&s, the name of an heire L above Honoura`olé 4: Sweet and ra t isfaitory, a Sama 8 3. Pfal. 148.13.