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ü. 74 Chriff.r excellency fisperlative. Cor. 3 . r o. Efay 7.14. Nfatttx.t: ti. Met in ore,me- Pos in aure, 14- biluj in- coy de. above the name of fervants, the name of a Centurion above the name of Souldiers, the name of ranfomer above the name of redeemed c_tptiv:s ;excelling all theicreatures, as the t<alleft cedars the lowefl fhrubs, the molt glorious Sunne the weakeft lights, the deepefl Sea the fmalleft drops, the high - eft Prince the moft pooreft beggars, and the richeft jewell the moil unworthy none. The Apottle faith of the glory of the Law in comparifon of the glory of the Gofpell, That which was glorious had no glory, by reafon of that which excelleth : Thus the glory and excellency of all creatires, is as no glo- ry and excellency, in refpe& ofthe furpalling glory and ex- cellency of Chrift Jefus. Full of divine and heavenly,fweet and foule-ravilhing excellency, are the names given in fa- cred Scripture unto Chrift ; as I'nmanuel, God with us, in regard of his perfon, being God and Man in the unity of his perfon ; and in regard ofhis office, being with us, by inter - ceffion with his Father for us, by prote&ion againft all ene- mies, by fuftentation in all adverfities. Chrifls being made one with us, is the fountain of all our happineffe. Some- times he is failed Jefuc, a Saviour, no typicall, but a proper, true, .fpirituall Saviour ; no mediate, but an immediate Sa- viour; a Saviour by merit, obtaining falvation by his per - fe& Obedience and fatisfaúion; a Saviour by efficacie,apply- ing all his benefits by the operation of hisWord and Spirit ; a Saviour in regard of the termunuc a quo , the perfe& righ- teoufneffe,.favour of God, and life eternall whereunto he brings us . Chrift is the compleat and perfeee author of fal- vation to all Gods children. Full of heavenly fweetnefie is the name7efus to all true beleevers ; Hony in the mouth,muftckc in the eare, a jubilee in the heart, faith Bernard. Superlatively Tweet and excellent is that falvation which Chrift brings to all that unfainedly receivehim. Sometimes his name is cal - led Wonderful], Counfellour, the michty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace : Wonderful] for the admirable union of two natures in one perfon, for his wonderfull conception andibirth of a Virgin, and Wonderful) for the adminiftrati- on of his Kingdeme,wonderfully Paving his fervants,won- d rfully deltroying his. enemies. Counfellour,for the wifdome which