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Names of Chrf. j which he revealeth, and, counfell which he giveth he ele&, by the Gofpell, making them wife unto falvation. The migh. ty God, for the miracles he wrought, Oie donation of the Spirit, and regeneration of Gods chofen. The everla{ling Fa- ther, for the life of grace and glory which he minifters to all true beleevers : And the Prince of Peace, for the peace which he makes between God and his chofet1/2 for the con, cord which he worker between Godschildren, and the hea- venly tranquility which he puts into the confciences of con- trite and broken- hearted inners. The names of the Lord Je fui are CharaE}ers full of wonders in the eyes of all belee- vers, and betimes miniftring the heavenly light of wifdome, and confolation to all that come unto him. Sometimes he is figuratively ftiled a Head, for the excellency, dignity and EphC .. z . i z. eminency of his condition above others, as the head is the moft noble, and eminent above all the members, for his my- fficall conjunE} ion with true beleevers, dire&ion, guberna- don, prote&ion, which he miniflers to them, and for the communication of all ípirituall life, fenlè,motion, and eve- ry good thing to Gods children. Sometimes he is Riled a Rorke, and the headfrone of the corner, for his conjunEfion of I Car. ía.4 :* Jew and Gentile in one Church, and for his might in fu- I Per. z.5. paining all fuch as are by a livelyfaith built a fpiritual houle upon him. Sometimes he is called a Lyon, the Lyon of the tribe ReveL5.5. of Juda, for his principality and eminence, as the Lyon is the King of all beafis ; for his vigilancy, as the Lyon fleepes with his eyes open : Chrift is a keeper that never fleeps ; for his power and efficacy, in plucking us out of the mouth of the roring Lyon, the DivelI ; for his cuftody, keeping us as. the Lyon his whelps; for the terrour he calls upon the hearts of his enemies, by the Preaching of his Word, as the Lyon by his voyce makes all the beaffs to tremble; and by the rai- ling of his chofen unto life, as the Lyon by his cry awakens his young which fleepe. Sometimes he is called the Sunne : ' Ma1.4, s. the Sunne is the Prince of the Starres,Chrift is the Prince of the Kings of the earth ; the Sunne is the eye of the world, Chrift of the Church; the Sunne conferreth light with his beames, Chrift confers the light of knowledge,faith,and all L 2 grace