Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

BleJng waitsupon theMimi /ery . ltery of the Gofpell, a bleffing of regeneration, renovati- on, remiflion, and fweet reconciliationwithGod in Chrift; they arc the chorfeft and befit bleflings whichGod commu- nicatesby his Gofpell to the foules of his people; thevery names and titles given to Gods Minifters, doe as in lively charafters declare how great a bleffing they are to Gods Church and people ; being iiled Seers, Lights, Watchmen, Shep- heards Salt, Nurfes, Labourers, Stewards, Horfemen and Charets : The eyes are a bleffing to the body, toguide it ; the light is 'a`blefling to the world enlightening it ; the watchmen are a bleffing to the City, giving warning to it; the Shepheards are a bleffing to the flocke, watchingover it, conduaing and feeding it ; the Salt isa bleffing to the meat, preferving it from putrefaction ; the Nurfes are a bleffing to the children, mtniftring provition to them ; the Labourers are a bleffing to the vineyard , manuring and drefïing it, removing the thornes and bryars out of it, and fowing good and profitable feed in it ; Stewards arcablef- fîng to the houfe,' guiding it, d'rftributing to the feverall neceflìties of tht perlons in it ; Horfemen and Charets are a_bleffrng to the kingdóme, ftrengthening and protecting it ; Gods Miniflers are a great bleffing unto Gods Church and. people, as eyes guiding them, as lights laying open the deep things of God before them , as Watchmen ad- moniihing them, Shepheards leading and defending them, as Salt feafoning their foules, preferving them from the putre- facion of fin, and making, them a fweet favour untoGod; as Nurfes feeding, as Labourers manuring', and dréf- fing their foules', and as horfemen and charets defending them againft their fpirituall 'adverfaries, making them vr- t}orious, and driving them forward in the w'áyes of peace and holineffe ;,and the having of Gods Minifters, the en- joyment of them and their labours hath heretofore been conceived, and taken' as a great bleflìng, as a'meailes, at- 'tended with a bleffing from the Lord, as appeares by that fpeech of (Micah , having ;gotten a Levite for his Pn eft, Nov f know I {faith he) that the Lordwill doe' negood,feeing I have 4 Levite to say Praef% : His judgement was good con. L 3 ,ceiving IOI f g. r .I 3.