Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

IbZ Having Cjocde 1!?nifiters a great bleffing, ceiving Gods blefling to attend the labours of Gods Mini- I firers, though he fhamefully erred in ex -eJation of it by an idolatrous ferice ; and our Saviour plainly pronounceth them bl:alèd who enjoyed the light of his dot}rine, to whom he opened the mytleries of Gods kingdome: Blef- fed (faith he) are the eyes which fee the things that ye fée :, Biefled for the prefence of theSonne of God amongfi; you, for the neare appropinguation of God unto you, for the ma- nifef7ation of the great things of Cod before you, for the deteE7ion of the fume which is within you, for the reve- lation of the love of Cod in Jefus Chrift towards you,and for the great falvation offered you: great and manifold, fweet and comfortable is the bliffe and happineffe tendred unto man by the prefence of Gods ordinances, and holy labours of' Gods Miniflers ; of all light, the light of Gods countenance, and the light of the Gofpell, are the chie- fell and fweeter bleffings : s Happy (fàid the Beene of Sheba to Solomon) are thy men, happy are there thy fervants g i Kin.Io8 whichmay flaxd continually before thee, and that heare thy wife - dome. Chrift is greater then Solomon, they are more happy who may fland continually before him in the houle of his miniftery, and heare his wifedome in the Gofpell : The nearer man approacheth to Chrift Jefus, the greater ismans bPf,d,6s.4, happineffe ; therefore, Bleffed (faith the Pfalmifl)hthe h man whom thou chufèft, and caufeft to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy Courts, he (hall be fat:sfied with theFq.00dnefre of thy houfe, even of thy holy Temple. Bleffed is the man, happy is the man, fweet and comfortable is the eftate, and condition of the man whom thou leavefi not, as a -houle in darknefie without light, as a field overgrowne with thornes and bryars, without husbandman to manure and dreffe it, as a dead lean in the grave without life, as. a captive in prifon without freedome, as a fickeman in his, . difeafe without Phyfitian , as a City in famine without food to feed them : Bleffed is the man whom thou doelf- not colt away, as the ungodly, reprobate,andrejeded muI -_1 titude, to perifh in their .finnes ; but cbuflt, adopteft, and I takeft to thy fille tobe thy fonne by adoption, and to be an