Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

z 8 grounds of Chrifts uxmeleomxef fe, I come, that many of us are fo farre -from rejoycing in his comming ?. s.Grouedsof I anfwer,there are thefe 5, grounds of this hritìs unwel Ignorance. Men doe not know Chrift, they doe not dif-' coàinora cerne Chrift in the Gofpell,. Chrift in the Gofpell is n n n : Ignoraree. den from them, as the light is hidden from the blind,-the Cor.+ ;,4 God of this world loath blinded their eyes that the light of the Gofpell of the glory of Chrift may not Thine into them;. they doe not difcerne Chrift in his Gofpell.fhining like the Sunne for the excellency ofhis knowledge there appea ring , they doe not difcerne Christ there triumphing like a conqueror inthe fubjugation of Satan, and their corrup- tions; they doe not difcerne Chrift there as .a Prince of peace, fweetly and graciously ruling in their hearts, by the Scepter of his Word ;they doe not difcerne Chrift there as a Phyfitian healing their finfull maladies, as the imp°- tent difcerned the ° Angell moving in the poole,ofBethef- da, and healing their bodily infirmities ; they fee not these p -beauties of Chrift, which David defired to fee in the Tem- ple of' the -Lord : they fee not that v power-andgloryofChrift in the Gofpell, which the Pfalmift saw in the Sanctuary ; and therefore as a blind_ man rejoyceth not-in the appea- rance and comming ofshe Sunne, becaufe he fees not the vitae ante oca- Sunne, no more doe thefe in the commingof Chrift in the los habeant, nes 1Gofpell, becaufe they doenot theredifcerne him. tamer vileant. 2 Earthly mindedneflee. Theirhearts ar-e glued to the world; cypr, z.Eirtily min- <lednefre. 1 o p Pfal.zy z. q Pfal.6;.z Deliliorumme- sittingeft ut qui vita inuigni this is the Master whom they ferve, this- is the rocke on which they build, this'is the wife or harlot rather whom, they marry, this is the objet of their joy, they rejoyce r Ames 6,13 in the creature, in a =thing ofnoughts faith the Prophet,and therefore haying another Mafter whom they ferve , they cannot-receive and -rejoyce in Chrifts Lawes, having ano- ther rocke on which they build , they cannot beleeve and { delight in Chills promises , having another : husband to whom they are wedded, they cannot embrace andr4joyce in Chrift, as the Bride rejoyceth in the Bridegroome, when r ICa.8.6, the people rejoycedin ' Rezin Remalials /on, they refufed the waters of Shiloah. When man rejoyceth is the creature 'lie re-