Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

29 4,Contrariety to ChriR. us Tim. z.a5. S,:Infidclity. Contrariety toChrift. i Lion, rejoyceth not in Chrifts comming. n f Contrariety to Chrift, there is no likeneffe, no futable-.I neffe, no anfwerablenefle between them and Chrift, they are as contrary as life and death, light and darkneffr , their Arks and Dalton, the houle of `Davidand the houfe ofSaul, they are u contrary-minded ; they are contrary to Chrift in) their iudgements, wife in their owne eyes , reputing light darknefhe and darkeneffe light; contrary in their will,, Chrift wils his Fathers glory , and teacheth his Difciples topray that his Fathers will may be done, they will them- felves, and their owne ends, they looke not beyond them- felves,in any thing, they make their owne will their rule . and guide; contrary in their affe&ions , they hate holineffe which. Chrift loveth, and love prophaneneffe whichChrift abhorreth;contrary in theirfociety and fellowfhip, All Chrifts deligheisin them that excell in vertue, they delight themfelves in the frowardneffe ofthe froward ; contrary in their natures. Chrift is holy and without all firne, they are totally fin- full, and void of all holineffe ; they are contrary to Chrift in his - Offices, they oppofe him, as a Prophet theywill not receive his tnftru ion, as a king they will not obeyhim, as a Prieft they will not be fanctified by him, their whole man is wholly let in oppofition againft whole Chrift, there is a marvellous diftance and unlikeneffe between them and I Chrift, they are altogether uncapable of. him. Man cannever rejoyce in Chrifts comming untill God doth put fomenew and gracious principle into him ; Man never delights to doe the will of God untill God bath written his Law its the heart of man , Chrifts comming is ever more or lefle joyfttll unto man, as min bath more or lea of 'Chrifts image within him. p, Infidelity. The Yfraelites beleeved not the word ofGod, and therefore defpifed the pleafant land, that rich and pleu - tifull land which God had promifed them : He that doth not beleeve in Chrift lets a low price upon him , and re- joyceth little or nothing in the teftimony of Chrifts pre-. fence : The Difciples which beleeved not aright, were of- fended, and went backe from Chrift, they tooke no plea-¡ fiire,