Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Chris'? entertained ileedJy. the princeof darkneffe, then to entertaine Chef} the T ing of Righteoufncffe. The Kings daughter, the Spoufc of Chrift , the Type of all that truly entertaine Chrift, was f all-glorioser within. heavenly graces are the peculiar glory of Gods fervants , making their foules a fit receptacle for the Lord Iefus : As men therefore to receive andentertainc an earthly King, cleanfe their houfcs, perfume and garnith all their n'omes, and prepare fuch delicacies as the King delights in : Thus wee, to entertaine and receive Chrift the heavenly King, muff our foules of all fin, we muff put all iniquity farm from us, as a fpot from our fa- ces, a difeafe from our flefh, and a theefe from our houfe;` we muff garnifh all the roomcs ofthe houfc ofour faults, with fpirituall ornaments, our undcrffandings with fppiri- tuall knowledge, our wits with gracious liberty and free- dome to embrace and chufe Chrift, our imaginations with holy thoughts and medetatfons upon Chrift, our affeaions with filiali farre to offend Chrift , with lively faith to be- lieve in Chrift, with pure and fervent love to Chrift, with heavenly joy and delight in Chrift : He drat is moff holy and gracious is molt- capable of Chrift Iefus ; the foule which abides under the fway and power of prophaneneffe cannot receive the Lord Iefus, the fwaying pretence of ungodlincife, nullifies the gracious prefence ofChrift Ietas. No man receiveth Chrift with true and follid comfort in the Gofpell, but only he whofe foule is endowed with g purity and fandir!cation. 2. Spei.,171.7. The fervant fpeedily opens the doore of the houle whenthe' Matter knocks, and readily entertainer him. Chrift is the .great Lord acrd laftcr of the houfe of mans foule, at thedoore whereof he knocks by the miniffery of the Gofpell, and man muff fpeedily open to Chrift fo knocking, Behold (fäith Chrift) Ißaled at the h (Isere and hnocke : the heart of unregenerate man is a doore (hut, a hard, a ftony doore : God and Chrift are Phut out, to this dooreChrift knocks by the preaching of the Law, threat - ning defcruaion to him that will not open ; by theprea- ching of the Gofpell, promifing pardon to all that fpeedily E and g Iatn.4 S. Heb. z o.zu Mat .8, z,Speecify.