Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

26 i ICa.55.6 Speedyenternbtinmsnt of drift urged, and fincerely open ; by the rod of' afili&ion and terrourof confcience on all that doe delay to open by the inward motion and powerfull operation ofhis Spirit onGods cho- fen ; repairing and difpofiag their hearts to open tohim: If any man (faith atilt) hears my voice, fpeedily without delay, unfainedly, without hypocri(ìe, humbly without dif- daine, beleevingly,:without unbeleefe, joyfully, without re- pining, and oaediently .without rebellion: If any man thus bore my voice, and open: unto me, by ilnderflanding 'me and my will, by beleeving rue and my prornifs, by loving me and my teftimonies, by embtacing nie- and my benefits, by dedicating hiaif lfe to me and my fetvice. will come into bit», I will make his foule, my tempts,and holy habi- tation , I will enter into a neare and fweet communion with him, and I will . fup, With' him,; I will accept and delight in his knowledge, faith , repen'tatice , and new obedience ; and be Anil fop with me , I will comrhu1 nicate unto him juftification, fan&ification, peace, the joy of the Holy-Gho{f the heavenly treafure of all faxing grace ; their bliffe and happineffe is very great ánd comfor- table, who give a full and fpeedy entertainment to ChriQ comming in the Gofpell : It is a point of Chriftian arse choifeff wifedome ( according to the charge of the Pro, phet) to 'flake, the Lordwhile he may be found, and to call . upon him while he is neare at hand : The Sunne of hea- venly light,.which now fhineth may fet, and webe left in darkneffe ; the Well of falvation now opened may be fea l d up, and we perifla with want of fpiritmll water to re-. .frelh us ; the gate of mercy now opened to us. may be fhut againf1 us, Chrift may withdraw himfelfe, and refufe to be found of us; the things below. ing to ostr k place may be biddenfrom us :.It is jolt with Chrift towithdraw himielfè from them that delay to receive him, Chrift will be to . them as a deafe mart that hearer not, in the day of their trouble and afilidions,. who are deafe to Clara , and will not heare him in his Gofpell, in the day of his mercifull vifitation : O therefore i to day, if ye will heare his voice, xkwdennot your hearts, behold m now is the accepted time, ¡Luk.t9,4t. l Kai 9 i7,5 art-,a Cor,6,Z.