Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

48 ç.Riches. m Gph.;.8. 6.Ptofperity. n Gcn.39. z 73enefis of receiving Chriff, from the power and doiinion of finne, free from the ty- ranny and captivity of Satan , free from the curfe and ri- gour of the Law, and free to ferve Cod with an ingenu- ous and free fpirit ; Kings and Priefs to God , for their dignity and dominion and for their holy and graciouscon- fecrationuntoGod ; high and excellent is the honour which Chrift communicates to them that truly receive him in`the minifteryof the Gofpell. S. Chrift received in the Gofpell giveth riches, to unfearcha6le riches, riches which the wit of man cannot find out, incomparable riches, towhich all the riches of the earth is not to becompared, that knowledge, faith, and love, which is farre more excellent then the gold that perifheth. The pooreft Lazar receiving Chrift in the Gofpell, is endowed with greater riches then the weal- thiefc Diver in the world not embracing him. 6. Chrift received in the Gofpell giveth pro.fferity, the Arkereceived into O6ed-Edoms houfe caufed all that he, had to profper. Crifc received into the foule maketh the whole man prof- perms ; he makes him profper in hearing , in prayer, in meditation, in the ufe ofall Gods Ordinances ; as the tree profpers that is planted 6y the waters fide ; he makes him profper in all his undertakings, Whatfoever he cloth'ball prof- per all the affaires of foule and body are made fuccef efull and profperous through the blefied prefence of Chrift Ie- fus : He makes him profper in the inward man , making him viiorious over all his corruptions, replenif1-ing him with all heavenly fulneffe, communicating to him peace and reconciliation with God, and tranquillity of confci- ence : He that receives the Lord Iefus , like 3ofeph bath the Lord n With him, And is a pro.fferotus men; Mans not em- bracing Chrift Iefus expofeth him to all plagues and cur- ies, in his foule, in his body, in all his fervices, all blef- fng attends the holy and gracious embracement of Chris, all curies follow the prophane refufall of Chrift. 7. Chrift received in the Gofpell fweetens and fantlifies all ea-lions, the tree fweetened the waters of Marah, Chrift takes away the bitterneffe of affliction from the foule which beleeving- ly entertaines him, he makes them fee light in darkneffe, he 7.Sweetneff'e. Exod.xç.zs.