Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The EpiPle to the Reader. dugced +rime wouldbehandled, heroical)), ,tnfvered Coin nand mee jube, ouianon ro be flaine, becaufe neicherche benefit of life, nor the jàiutute:,efrcio,± puntfhmentofdeath' con moveme,eirher to ceafe to be p(icio anec n"" juPi Casars fouldier, or to begin to be thine. Thus what. dúucr I ! at aut fever doe befallthee, though a thoufand deaths be threat- Cxfares miles ned tobeinfliciedon thee, let neither the hope oflife, nor Ffedef.r the Bare o death draw thee to ceaffrom being Chrifls rust e/feinsipi. ,f f am.srufon.ts.; fouldier, or tobegin to fight under the worlds banner ; it `.14 as more noble andcomfortable to die the no.ofl rçnominioiar deathfor Chrift, then to litre the mos`tglorioue worldly life ! withthe denyallofClarifl. 3. Doe not f and aloofe off' from Chrift when Chriff: is upon the Crofi'e : Doe not halt andnxrttrals e in thehonre ofChrifs' andhis Churches troubles ; he that is not Chri.Fts friend is Chrifls enemy : He that is not withhim is aga=r?(} him : It is Salotnons obirvation ofthe floatlifrsll,e.:.that is floathfull in his Work. is brother to him that is a great waiter, accordingly, he that is (loathfull inChri fis worke : that dotb no: readily put forth his hand, to the helpe andafiflanceofCbri/l an his Church, is brother to him that isagreat Waller ofthe., Kingdomeand Church of Chi-if} : Chrift lookes on all u t ea. Neutralifls, ,ts on enemies, andnatonferuants, * he that hewntmitte; net wholy with Chriff, cloth very /i'armfilly neg. Greg.Nazica. leFt Chrifl; : there is noconfiJlence betweene the fervice of two (.7srafiers, men cannotp?,Ifibly a once be the followers oftriocontrary leaders : 1isdwhat are thefe time frying Politicians andcarnal! Neutralizing'middlemen ? but l3i- ,rituall Harlots, their hearts are divided betwixt Chrifs and other lovers : Ignominious DXgrocers of the' Chrifian name and proféßion , their way like the goings ofthe lame whole legs are not equall : prods - r us