Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Igilile to the Reader. thing this day. Chri.Ft r6 richly worth thehaving, all the refiduewithout Chriit is worth nothing. Stand not upon the coil, whither pines or flatly, teares or prayers, peace¡ orwealth, goods or name, lifeor liberty fell all for this nom,ß.3 a. role. Chrift is ofthat worth andufe that thou canFt ne- ver over -buy him, though thougaveft thy felfe andall the worldfor him ;themakingpre ofChrift is' the affurance.J ofall the re/t. 2. Stand forChrifl', take Chrifispart, be on bb' fide, whoever be againji him ; the viaory ever pa/feth on Chriflsfideat làfl all his faithful' Soldiers are glorious Conquerours : they all have crownes, though fomtimes they fwimpeunto them inblood ; take to thee therefore the bean andcourage of Shammah one ofDavids Worthies, who Rood atíd defended the field when all the teft fled. Thus abide thou withChrift, fi f r him, defend hisTruth, his Worfbip, his Church 40 children, though all othersflyfrom himor rife up againft him : there is more joy andglory in Chrijisfuferings, then in the triumph of profaneperforas, there u more dignity in Chrifls thornes then in theirgolden crownes ; the more thou loafjlfor the Lordrefits, thegreater is thy advantage : he is unworthy thename ofa Servant that will not (land by his Lordand c5!/rafter in timeofdangers ; She di, fhonours the name of a wife that refufeth copartnerflip with her ham-band in his troubles ; he is unworthy of a name: either with God or man, worthy to have his name buried ineverla/ting in- famy, that will not ftand by Chrift with molt reflution andconfidence,with molt courage and boldnefe, when men andDivels oppofe Chrifi withmolt rageandviolence,: then a6 Mxvius that noble Centurionof Augulus being ta ken and brought untoAntonins and - demanded bow hee.. Lf 3 would!