Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Covenant between ChriffandMan. 63 we are baptized into the T name of Chrift ; into the faith yMar 8.t9. of Chrift , to beleeve in him as the authour of our falva- tion , into the religion of Chrift, to adore and worfhip him as our fpirituall and heavenly Soveraigne ; into thedottrine of Chrift, to learne him as the truth is in him , to heare him as the great Prophet and Door of his Church ; into the profefon of Chrift, openly declaring our hope and ex- peftation of falvation by Chrift, our fubje6tion under Chrift, and our dependance upon Chrift ; into theferviceofChrift, being dedicate and fet apart by Baptifine unto Chrift, as his peculiar people, to adore and ferve him, tohonour and exalt him ; and into the death of Chrift , receiving Bap- tifuae as a teftimony of mortification, and as an inftrument of the Holy-Ghoft , for the extinguifhing and killing of finne by the death, and for the quickning of our foules by the refurretion of Chrift, to the end that we who live fhould live no more unto our felves but unto Chrift :This is the tenour of the Covenant which theLord himfelfe ut- tered by the mouth of the Prophet , I Z will be their God. ierIr.3s... I will be their King to command them, their counfellor to guide them, their fhield to defend them, their Saviour to minifter falvation to them, their father to make provifion for them, to communicate the fence ofmy love unto them, and their portion to fatisfie them ; and they !hall be my people, the fehollers of my fchoole to learne my will, the fubjefts of my kingdome to honour and exalt me , the fervants of family to obey and ferve me, and the bride ofmy delight to love me, and to bring forth fruit to me. By vcrtue of the Covenant between us and Chrift, our names are given unto Chrift, as fouldiers to their Cap- tame, to fight for Chrift ; as fubjefts to their Soveraigne, to exalt and magnifie the name of Chrift , to labour the' welfare and honour of the kingdome of Chrift. Abner en- tring into Covenant with 'David, a went forth to bring u s Sam. ;. about all Ifrael unto David, to exalt and fet upDavid, and to increafe the kingdome of `David. Thus man being en- tred into Covenant with Chrift muff bring himfelfe , and all that is his, and all other people, fo much as in him lies