Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

64 R elation to Chriftperfwaded. Labourfor Chri fts welfare. lies into fubjeion untoChriff, hemuff to the utmoft of his power, labour the exaltation of Chrift and his kingdome: fuch men are very regardle% of their holy covenant and facred promife, as labour not the exaltationofChrifis king- dome and Gofple. 2. In regard of the Relation betwixt us and Chriff.Chrtff is the King and we the Subjeds; Chrift is the Lord and we the Servants; Chrift is the Head and wee the mem- bers : Chrift is the Bridegroome and we the Bride ; true Sulbjeets endeavour the honour of their King and King_ dome. Saufs Subjeds would put to t'death all them who Would not have Saul to reign over them. ` Davids Sub. jeéts preferred him above themfelvs, endeavoured his Cfafe- ty, put themfelves in hazard to fafegard him , accounted him worth ten thoufand of themfelves ; the members fup- port and beare up the head, imploy all their ftrength in the defence and honour of the head good fervants labour their Matters honour and welfare; Thy fervants Paid Davids men to him, d are ready to doe whatfever my Lord the I King Jhall appoint,,,,nd the Centurion could fay of his fer- vant, `Doe this and he .doth it : And the faithfull Spoufe brings forth children to her husband, the Was a fiuitefcdl Vine by the fides of his houle, and her children like Olive plants round abouthisTable, a great honour, a crown as Salomon faith to her husband; thus muff we by verme of that Relation which is betwixt us' +and Chriff, as loyall fubjeds mortifie and put to death, whatfoever doth in us oppofe Chrills honour and dominion, exalt Chriff and his Gofple above our felves, our cafe, profit, or credit; ex- poleour felves to all difficulties, dangers and inconvenien- ces amongft men, for the magnifying of Chriflsname,and the welfare of ChriQs Gofple ; as good fervants be ready to doe whatfoever Chrift !hall appoint us for the making of him glorious; as true and living members ofChriffs my- flicail body, we muff put our felves under Chrift, Beare up Chrift and make him confpicuous in the eyes of others 'and like a chalk Spoufe bring forth all our fruite unto Chriff, endeavouring to the utmolt of our power the welfare of a. Relation. G i SamrII.Ia c a Sam. 18.3. da Sam, Ig.Iq