Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

I u.."""- 76 I) anger ofnot exalting Chrift. ;.Periíi of not 3. Obferve the perill of not endeavouring the welfare of endeavouring Chr.ifts Church ,and Odell. He that is not a friend ofChrift of IS anerxm a ainft Chrift he that doth not help to let u Chrií}sGofpcl. Chrifis kingdom; is by interpretation , and in Gods con- ! an overthrower of Chriils kingdome : He that is not with tame is againf} me faith Chrift) and he that doth not gather. doth fcatter. He that is not a labourer is a fcat- terer in Chrifts vineyards He that fights not underChrifls enfigne is, a fouldicr under Satans banner. He that is yHuth- y Prov. t8,g. full in hù more , ù brother (faith Solomon) to a great Wa- fter. Thus he who doth not labour for Cbri is a brother to them that are great wafters ofthe kingdomeofChrift ; and .feare£ull is the curfe pronounced on them that (land fill, attd:'put not their helping hand to thrifts Kingdom; 3lud s.s3. Caufe, and Gofpell. z Demme ye Aleros (faid the Angell of the Lord) Croft ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof, becaufe they camenot to thehelp ofthe Lord, to the .help of the Lord againft themighty.. 9- Looke upon Chrifts .sÿaring and withholding of nothing for our exaltation. Chrift humbled himfelfe to the lowett degree of humiliation and abatement, for our elevationand advancement. He emptied himfelfe to fill us ; he abafed himfelfc to honour us s he ftript himfelfe to appareil us; he made himfelfe a man of forrowcs to fill us with fpiri- tuall and foule-refrefhing confolations : a Ye know (faith Saint maul) the grace the love, the bounty, the rich li- berality of our Lord 5efus Chrift ; that though be wae rich, rich in the glory of his divine E1Tence, in his abfolute do- minion over all creatures, in his plenary poffellion of hea- ven and earth : Yet for your fares he became Poore; vailing his Diety, Majey and glory; under the pooreand unwor- thy garment ofhumane flefh., being borne ofpoore parents, and appearing in the formeof a feryant, humbling and aba- -b fing himfelfe to the b death, the Jhatmfull death ofthe crop , that ye through his poverty migit be rich ; rich in the ar- ticipation of the divine nature, rich in the fruition of the fulneffe of Chrift ; Chrifts humiliation is the meritorious ,caufe, fpríng, and fountaine of mans exaltation; Chrift was very 4.Chridwith_ holding no- thingtocx. alt man.