Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Meanesto exalt Chrift. Difrellifb;nent of Sin. 79. them, God is there alone fweetly, and fpiritually knowne, and enjoyed, where his Gofpell is erected ; and for this caufe we fhould mightily endeavour the advancement of the Gofpell. King `David being told how the Lord had bleffed the houfe of Obed-Edom, and all that pertained to him, becaufe of theArke of the Lord, k Went and brought lc t Sam,6.t3. the Arke into the City of David With gladnefe. Men hearing of the profperity and Melling which doth attend the Gof- pell, fhould with great care and diligence, withmuch ala- crity and cheerfulneffè endeavour the erection of the Gof- pell among them : He is altogether unfenfible of thema- nifold and fingular benefits, and mercies accompanying the Gofpell, that doth not heartily delire, and ef±e- dually labour the welfare thereof. As the Gofpell ex- cels all temporali endowments, fo fhould we endeavour the fucceffe and (lability, of the Gofpell more then of ally, or all other pofleflions.. CHAP. 'XL PA Nd for the difpofing, framing, and working ourhearts, Means difpc-' thus to advance the Gofpell and kingdome ofChrift, rg mean to there muff be,. 1. A diflafling. difrellifhing, and being Weary advance the ofPinne : The Gofpell never (ternes fweet untill that (inne Gofpell. !ternes bitter ; he will never efEdually endeavour thePet- flafie ring up of Chrift , and the Gofpell, that delires not the of Sin. depofition of faune the Philiftines having adefireto main- taint: and uphold Dagon, fet the Arke below Dagon, on i Sam.5 the left hand of Dagon. Mari having a delire to uphold (inne, abafeth Chrift, and his Gofpell, puts them below his lulls, gives preheminence to his lull above the Gofpell, and above Chrift ; ilerod.not difrellithing bis inceftuous fin,