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The Epijile Pedicaloiy. willing in the day ofhis power. I know you all would be: on the fureft fide. 0what can you be lure of, while under the devils Enfigne, but damnation ? The curie of Gods cleays to him and all that takes part with him,O let not the little plunder & fpoil of finful pleafures and pelf,bewitch you ftill to follow his Camp. What is that fouldier bet- ter for his booty he gets in a fight, who before he can get offwith it, is himfelf thin upon the place (fo many have been ferved in thefe wars, if reports be true.) 'Tis,that thou muft certainly look for. The piece is charg'd, and aime taken at thy breaft, which will be thy eternal death if thou gerfifteft Gods threatenings will go off at tail' and thenwhere art thou where, but in hell, where thy wedge of gold'and Babylonifhgarment, thy wages of un- righteoufnefie Will do thee little ftead:" 0 Neighbours, I am loath to leave you in the way where Gods bullets, Elie ; but I muft have a word for you my Chriflian, friends, who have efpoufed Chrifts quarrel, and are in the field againft Satan. My heart is towards you, whohave thus willingly offered your (elves among the Lords peo- ple to his help againft the mighty.. He can deftroy him without you but he takes your love as kindly as if he could not. God bath lent me (as pp did David) with this little prefent to you and the reft of my Brethren thit are in his Camp. May it bebut to the strengthening of your hearts and hands in fighting the Lords battels, and I fhall blefle God that put it intomy heart thus tovifit- you. 0 hold on, dear friends, in your Chriftianwarfare, let none take the crown from you. Whet your courage at the throne of grace , fromwhence all your recruits of foule- ftrength come. Send faith oft up the bill of the Prornife, to fee andbring you the certain newes of Chrifts coming toyou, yea, for you, and Allred viftorywith him. Readc- the exploits, which Chrifts Worthies by faithhave done,anc, l