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Vapormarmamsem..**. againft the wiles of thedevil. 1 2 ofgratitude. He that will not accept of broken money. or half the fumme for payment of a debt : the fame man, if his friend fends him, though but a bent fix pence, in token of his love, will take it kindly. 'fis true (Chrittian) the debt thou °weft to God muff be paid in good, and, lawful money, but (for thy comfort) ) here Chrift is thy Pay.mafter ; fend Satan to him, bid him bring his charge againft Chrift, who is ready at Gods right band to clear his accounts, and fhew his difcharge for the whole debt ; but now by performances and obedience come under another notion, (as tokens of thy love and thankfulneffe to God,) and fuch is the graciousdifpofition of thy 'heavenly Father, that be Pro. '9.2 2, accepts thy mite : Love refufeth nothing that love fends. 'Tis . not the weight or worth of thegift, but the olejite of a man is his kjnobsefe. SECT. IV. A fourth wile ofSatan as a troubler, is to draw the Saint in- to the depths of de fpair, under a fpecious pretence of not being humbled enough for fin. This we finde tingled out by the A- poitle for one of the devils fetches. we are not ignorant (faith ac he) ofhie dtvteet. vAtuaTtz, his Sophiflical reafonings. Satan s much by this flight ; no weapon oftener in his hand : where is the Chriflian that bath not met him at this door ? here Satan findes the Chriftian eafie to be wrought on, the tumours being ftired to his hand, while the Chriftian ofhis own accord com- plains of the hardneffe ofhis heart, and is very prone to believe any, who comply with his milling thoughts; yea, thinks every one flatters him, that would perfwade him otherwife. 'Tis r to die that foul into black, which is ofa fad colour already, then to make fuch a one take the lightfome tin&ure of joy and J comfort. But how!hall I anfwer chit fakile enemy, when he dome perplexed, moues. fpirit, with not being humbled enesgh forfin, 05-c? I anfwer as to the former, labour to fpie the fallacy of his ar- gument, and his mouth is loon flop' t. Firft, Satan argues thus: There ought to be a proportion be- tween fin and forrow:But there is no proportionbetween thy ands fi