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For we wrefile. 157 AP. I. Sheweth, the Chripians life here to be a continual wrefilingwith fin and Satan, and the paucity of thofe who are true Wrefilers, as alfo how the true Wrefikrs fbouldmanage their co. bate. He words contain a lively defcriptionof a bloody and !all- ing war between the Chriftian and his implacable enemy ; in whichwe may obferve; Firft,the Chriftians {late in this life, fec put,by this word wrefiling. Secondly, the Affailants that appear in armes againft the Chriftian, who are defcribed; Firti., Negatively , Not fle and blood: Or rather comparatively, not chiefly flefh and blood. Secondly, Potitively, but againfi Principalities, Pavers, &c. Fiat, for the firft the wreftling or confliaing nate of a Chri- ftian in this life, is rendered obfervable here by a. threefold cir. cumflance. Firft, the kinde of combate which the Chriflians ftate is here fet out by, Pav Ap.`ip ri 1n, which though it be ufed fometimes, for a wrealing of fport and recreation, yet here to fe.t out the fharpneffe of theChriftians encounter ; there are two things in wreftling that render it a {harper combate then others. Fait, wreffling is not properly fighting againft a multitude, but when one enemy finglesout another, and enters the lift f with him, each exerting their whole force and ftrength againft one another, as Dtavidand Goliab, when the whole Armies. floortas, X, 3,