Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

=NW Not with flefh and blood. or if thou haft come, bath made thee cover the Altar of God with thy teares and groans ? and will it not be a happy hand that cuts the knot, and its thee loofe from thy deadneffe,hypocrifie, pride, and what not, wherewith thou wert yoak't ? 'ris life which is thy toile, end death which is thy gaine. Be but willing to endure the rending of this vaile of thy flefh, and thou art where thou wouldeft be, out of the reach of fin, at reit in the bofome of thy God. And why fhould a fbort evil ofpaine af- fright thee more, then the deliverance from a continual torment of tins evil ravilh thee ? Some you know have chofe tobe cur, rather then to beground daily with the ftone, and yet, may be, their pain comes again, and canft thou not quietly think ofdy- ing, tobe delivered from the torment of the:e fins, never to re- turn more? And yet that is not the half that death doth for thee : Peace is tweet after war, eafe after pain ; but what tongue can exprefre what joy, what glory tuft fill the creature at the firlt fight of God, and that bleffed company? none but one that dwells there can tell. Did we know more ofthat bliffeful ftate, we Minilters should finde it as hard a work to perfwade Chrifti- ans to be willing to live here fo long, as now it is co perfwade them to be willing todie fo foon. 44 OM tcD:qi4141'11 ,M44,14,14144,W CHAP II. Wherein is (hewed what is meant by flefh and blood, how the Chriftian doth not, and how he cloth wrefile againft the fame. SECT, I. Ndw followes the defcription of the Saints enemies, with whom he is to wrestle; Firft, defei ibed Negatively, Not With flefh andblood, Secondly, Pofitively, Tot again(( Principalities and PoW. ert,&r, Z A Fiat,