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Be firong. tobehavehimfelf like a Prince, when he did but pray : for which he came out of the field Gods Bannarite. Indeed if you call that prayer, which acarnal perfon performes, nothingmore poor and daftard-like. Such a one is as great a (hanger to this enter- prife, as the craven fouldier is to the exploits of a valiant Chief- tain. TheChriftian in prayercomes up clofe to God, with an humble boldneffe of faith, and takes hold of him, wrefties with him, yea, will not let him go without a blefling, and all this in } the face of his own fins, and divine juftice, which let flie upon him from the fiery mouth of the Law; while the others boldnefs in prayer is but the childe, either of ignorance in his minde, or hardneffe in his heart; whereby not feeling his fins, and not knowing his danger, he rufhes upon duty with a blinde confi- dence, which foon quails, when confcience awakes and gives him thealartm, that his fins are upon him, as the Philiflines on Sam- - fon ; alas, then in a fright the poor-fpirited wretch thro.wes downhis weapon, flies the pretence of God with guilty esidam, and dares not look him on the face, Indeed there is no duty in a Chriftians whole courfeof walking with God, or a&ing for God, but is lined with many difficulties, which (hoot like enc.! ivies through the hedges at the Chriftian, whileft he is march- ing toward Heaven : fo that he is put to difpute every inch of ground as he goes. They are only a few noblefpirited fouler; (who dare take Heaven by force) that are fit for this calling. For the further proof of this Point, fee tome few pieces of fer- vice that every Chriftian engageth in. Firft, the Chriflian is to proclaim and profecute an irrecon- cileable war againft his bofome. fins ; thofe fins which have layep neareft his heart, muft now be trampled under his feet So Da- vid, 1 have kept my Pelf from my inigrity ; Now what courage and refolution cloth this require ? you think Abraham was tri- ed to purpofe, when called to take his fon, his fan ifaae, his on- Gen, zz, ly fanwhom he loved, and offerhitn up with his own hands, and noother, yet what was that to this ? Soul,take thy luft, thy on ly lull, which is the childe of thy deareft love, thy ifaac, the fin which hath called molt joy and laughter ' from which thou m haft pro ted thy felf the greateft return of pleafure or profit: as ever thoulookeft to fee my face with comfort, lay hands on it, and offer it up : poure out the blood of it before. me, run B 3 the.