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46 Andin thePower of his might. ofa foules weakneffe, is an efpecia I meaner to excite it into a fur- ther care and diligence : One that knowes his weakneffe, how prone be is in company to forget himfelf, in paffion how apt be ; is to flie out, if there be a principle of true grace, this will ex- cite him to be more fearful and watchful, then another that hath obtained greater flrength againft fuch great temptations. As a childe that writes for money to his father, none comes prefently, this makes him husband that little he bath the better, not a pen- ny now (hall be laid out idly ; Thus when a Chriftian bath pray- ed againft fuch a fin again and again, and yet finds himfelf weak, prone to be wormed , 0 how careful will this, fhould this make fuch a one of every company, of every occafion ? Such a one had not need give his enemie any advantage. 2. Secondly, God may deny the Chriftian fuch affifling flrength induty, or mortifying flrength ofcorruption as he defires, pure- - ly on a gracious defign, that he may thereby have an advantage of expreffing his love in fuch a way, as than molt kindly work upon the ingenuity of the foule to love God again. Perhaps (Chriftian) thou prayea for a mercy thou wanteft,or for deliver- ance out of force great affliftion , and in the duty thou findeft not more affiftance then ordinary, yea, manydiftradions of fpii- rit in it, and mif-giving thoughts with unbelieving feares after it; Well, notwithftanding thofedefeds in thy duty, yet God heares thy prayer, and fends in the mercy on purpofe, that he maygreaten his love in thine eye, and make it more lufcious and fweet to thy tafte, from his accepting thyweak fervices, and palling by the diftempers of thy fpirit. Here is leffe ftrength for the duty, that thou mayeft have more love in the mercy, nothing will affect a gracious heart more then fuch a confideration. See it in 'David, Pfal. n 6. i 1, 12. 1 laid inmy halle,All men are liars. what fhall I render to the Lord for al 1 his benefits towards me ? As if Davidhad laid, notwithflanding all the comfortablemeffages I had fromGod by his Prophets concerning this matter, my own prayers, and thofe remarkable providences, which carried in them a partial anfwer to them, and performance of what was promifed, yet I betray'd much unbelief, queftioning the truth of the one, and the return of the other ; and bath God notwith- ftandingall m 1 infirmities fulfill'd my defire, and performed his promife 0what (hall I render unto the Lord ? Thus 'David reades