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And in the Power of hips might. 47 reades Gods mercy through the fpeftacles of his own weaknefre and infirmity, and it appears great, whereas if a mercy fhould come in, as an anfwer to a duty managed with fuch ftrength of faith, and height of other graces, as might free him and his duty from ufual infirmities, this might prove a fnare, and occafion fome fell- applauding, rather then mercy-admiring thoughts in the creature. Thirdly, God may communicate the leffe of his affifting firength, that he may Phew the more ofhis fupporting thength,in upholding weak grace: We donot wonder to fee a man offtrong conflitution, that eats his bread heartily, and fleeps foundly, live: But for a crazie body, full of ailes and infirmities, to be fo patcht and fhored up by thePhyficians Art, that he Rands to old age, this begets fome wonder in the beholders. It may be thou art a poor trembling foule, thy faith is weak, and thy affaults from Satan thong , thy corruptions ftirring and aetive, and thy mortifying ffrength little, fo that in thy opinion they rather gainground on thy grace, then give ground to it, ever and a- non thou art ready to think, thou fhalt be cart as a wrack upon the devils fhoare: and yet to this day thy grace lives, though full of leaks ; now is it not worth the ftepping afide to fee this ftrange fight? A broken fhip with math and hull rent and tome, thus towed along by Almighty power, through an angry fea,and Armadoes of fins and devils, fafely into its harbour. To fee a, poore dilling or rufh candle in the face of the boifterous winde, and not blown out ; In a word, to fee a weak thipling in grace held up in Gods armes, till he beats the devil craven : This God is doing in upholding thee : thou arc one of thole babes out of whole mouth God if perfaling his praife, by ordaining fuch ftrength for thee, that thou a babe in grace, (halt yet foile a gi ant in wrath and power. Thirdly, if after long waiting for ftrength fromGod, it be as 3. thou complaineft, enquire whether the 7P FaTi2617/, that which h:n- ders,be not found in thy fell The head is the feat ofanimal fpints, yet there may be fuch obffru6tions in the body, as the other members may for a time be deprived of them; till the paffage be free between Chrift thy head and thee, thy ftrength will not come, and therefo, e he willing to enquire. Firft, halt thou come indeed to God for ftrength to performe duty;