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5 4 Pitt o the whole Armour of God. 1:,1,1)c$;.:.),t,c)144-;:444,++414:16.141? CHAP. I. Sherreth the Chrijileffe andgracelefeforde, to be the foule withoui Armour, and therein hismifiry. Obferv. a perfon in a Chriftleffe, graceleffe date is naked and unarm'cl, and fo unfit to fight Chrifts barrels againft fin and Satan. Or thus, A foule our of Chrift is naked and deflitute of all armour to defend him againft fin and Satan. Godat fird fent man forth in compleat armour, being created in right.e'oufneffe`and true holines;but by a wile the devil ftrip't him,and therforewere affon as the firm fin was compleated,it is writtenlGen.3.7. They that is, poor weak creatures, at the will of Satan a fubdu- ed people, difarrn'd by their proud Conquerour, and unable to make head againft him. Indeed it coft Satan fome difpute to make the fir ft breachbut after that he had once the gates open'd to let him in as Conquerour into the heart of man, he playes Rex : behold, a troop of other fins croud in after him, without any droakor firife, in dead of conceding their fins, they run their head in a bufb, and by their good will would not 'come where God is, and when they cannot flue from him, how do they prevaricate beforehim? They peale one of another, fhift- ing the fin rather then filing for mercy. So quickly were their hearts hardened through the deceitfulneffe of fin. And this is the woful condition of every fon and daughter of Adam, na- ked he findes us, and Haves he makes us, till God by his effectu- al call delivers us from the power of Satan into the Kingdoms of hit dear So ,which will further appear,if we confider this Chrift- leffe date in a foure-fold notion. 2. Fiat, it is a date of alienation from God, F io .e, . 2. 12. re were without Chrifi, being aliens from the Common-wealth of If- rad, pavers from the Covenant of Promtfe, &c. Such a one bathno more to do with any Covenant-promife, then bethat lives at Rome hath to do with the Charter of London, which is the