Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

Put on the wholeArillonr ofGod. Firft, a lliredion annex's to the former Exhortation, fhew- ing howwe may in a regular way come to be ftrong in the Lord, that is, by putting on the whole armour of God. Secondly, a reafon or argument flrengthening this Diredion, that )e may be able to flaw) againli the Wiles of the devil. In the Direction oblerve, Firft. the furniture he directs, and that is eXrmottr, Secondly, the kinde or quality of this Armour, e.,1r,moor of Gad' Thirdly, the quantity or entireneffe of the Armour ; The 340/e Armour of God. Fourthly, theufe of this Armour; Tot on the whole Armour of God. To begin with the firff, the furniture which every one muff t et that would fight Chrifts bat:els, The queflion-here will be What is this'Armour ? Firft, byarmour is meant Chrift ; we reade of putting on the Lord7efa, Rom. 13. 14. where Chriff is fet forth under the no- tion of Armour. The Apoftle cloth not exhort them for riot. ing and drunkenneffe, toput on fobriety and temperance ; for chambering and wantonneffe,put on chaftity ; (as the Phitofo- pher would have done) but bids, Plit on the Lord lejta Chrifr; implying thus much till Chriff be put on, the-creature is unarm- ed. 'Tis not a mans morality and Philofophical vertues, that will repel a temptation, fent with a full charge from Swans. cannon, though poffibly it may the piftol-fhot of fome !elle folicitation ; fo that he is the man in Armour, that is in Chrift. Again, the Graces of Chrift thefe are Armour, as the girdle of truth, the breast plate of rightevoine(ft, and the-reft. Hence we are bid alto put on the nevi; man, Epb. 4. z4. which is made up or all the feveral graces, as its parts and members. And he is the unarm'd foule, that is the unregenerate foule. Not excluding' thofe duties and means which God hath appointed theChriftian, to ufe for his deft nce, The phrafe thus opened ; the Point is., 53 2. r. 2. 3 - CH-AP..