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-7 2 Put on the whole Armour ofGod. fin, which even now overcame him, whilethe hypocrite by his pride fhews himfclf a Have to a worfe NH, then that he refills. While the Chriflian commits a fin he hates it ; whereas the 0- ther loves it while he forbears it. . Secondly, when true grace is under the foot of a temptation, yet then it will fiir up in the heart a vehement defireof revenge; likea prifoner in his enemies hand, who is thinking and plot- tinghow to get out, andwhat he will do when out, waitingand longing every moment for his delivery, that he may again take up acmes ; 0 God remember me, faith Sannfon,this once 1pray thee, and firengthen me, that Imay be at once avenged on the Phil /lines, for -my two eye, ' Judg. 6. 27. Thus prays the gracious foul,that Godwould but fpare him a little and ftrengthen him but once before hedies, that he may beavenged on his pride, unbelief,and thole fins whereby he bath, molt difhonoured his God ; but a falfe heart is fo far from fludying revenge, that he ratherfwells, like the fea, againft theLaw which banks his lull in, and is an- gry with Godwho bath made fin fuch a leap, that he muff ha- zard his foule if he will have it. 4,444.4.4,44.844-41,440 +00Oct t:00+440+14 CH AP. I V. Ofthe entireneffe ofour furniture, It Inuit be the whole Armour ((God: *T"Hethird Branch in the Saints furniture is, the entireneffe 3- thereof, Thewhole erfrmour of God. The Chriftians Ar- mour muff be compleat, and that in a threefold refpe&. SECT. Firft, he mullbe armed in everypart cap-a-pe,fouleand body,the powers