Hale - BR120 H364 1684

( 5 ) of Religion, with thegreateft Philofophers and Clerks in the World. Upon what hathbeenfaid, we may therefore Conclude, i. That there is not, nor indeed may not be any great difficulty in the attaining of a true laving Knowledge of ChriJlian Religion. z. That the Duties of ChriJlian Religion are not of fo vat an Extent, but the Knowledge of them may be alfa attained by an Ordinary Capacity willing to Learn. 3. That Confidering that God Almighty is never wan- ting with his Grace to Aflift thofe that fincerely endea- vour and Delire to Obey him and Serve him, it is not fa Difficult a Bufinefs to perform an Evangelical Obedience to the Precepts of the Gafpel, I fay an Evangelical Obedi- ence,though not a Peìfed Obedience ;. an Obedience that is Sincere, though many times Weak, and failings, which ne- verthelefs are forgiven, and their Sincere though Imper feet Obedience accepted by Almighty God through the Merits and InrercefìîonofChrift, and our own Humiliation and fincere Repentance for ourfailings. And, q.. That when ail is done, in this-Beliefand this 0 bedience Confifts our ChriJlian Religion. This is the One thing Nece/fary, the Magnum Oportet, which is ofhigheft Concernment and greateft Importance to Mankind. But now if we do but Ic : about us in the World, and obferve and confider the Lvlatters, wherein Men for the me part do place, Religion we (hall find quite another kindofRate. and Nature ofReligion than what Chrift In- ftituted or intended, and yet all nailed and fhrowded un- der theNameof ChriJlian Religion; and greater weight and ítrefs laid upon them than upon the True, Real, grand Im- ports ofChriftian Religion. r. I lhall begin with the Subtilties of great Scholárs; Schoolmen,. and Scholaftick Divines. Thefe have turned Chrift