Hale - BR120 H364 1684

(33 ) dares commit any fin with prefumption, can drink excefa fively, fwear vainly or falfly, commit Adultery, Lye, Co- zen, Cheat, break his Promifes, live loofely, though he prab ¿rife every Ceremony never fo curioufly, or as ftubbornly oppofe them; though he cry down Bithops, or cry down Presbytery ; though he be renbaptized every day, or though he difclairn againft it as Heretic; though he Faft all the Lent, or Feailsout of pretence of avoiding Supertlition, yet notwithflanding thefe, and a thoufand more external Con forrnities, or zealous Oppofitions of them, he wants the Life of Religion. PARI