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Too The bridgement ?Me CI f el. raah.ri,g. fecte; the text faith,Thehaste warfilled With thefamous'ofire. Iris trulyfaid,that u Bonmm ef{ Good isa fpreader of,it felfev ; It is like a candle ina workmans (bop in a win. fui dsffufvu ters eucning, whichboth giaeslight to the workeman, andto the pattersby alfo. Pfe t. This, 6rítmay be anaduertifement to thofe, whichbeingcalled to thekinky of the Church,are negligentin theirplaces : fomefuch would beaccounted kar. nedand good fchollers. But it cannot be fo : Where the graces ofGod are,t hey areneuer idle : Wherethere isidleneffeina&ion, there isemptine(fein off ñi- a on. It maybe that in Incha loitereras theProphet fpeakethof,aha /ierhaxejÍee. x Ifa.fó.ro, peth,and delighteth inflteping x,there maybe a great deale ofconfufed knowlcdfe, but certainely there is noCan&ifying learning : There is no holy Ghoft in thy heart, if(thy calling requiring it) there be noprophecie in thy moult; and what vie is there ofahead full of learning, with a mouth fullof tothing ? Itotruely y Mai , r raidthat the Prieiits lippes pia preferae knowledgeY:But why ? to hoordit vpas a Pro.tu.a,, miters doe their corne? No: But that his lippes mayfeede mart' =,and may !prod aProu.,f,r, abroadknowltdge. Thereforealto (faith the Prophet) the people mini licksit at his I,MsI. 2.7. moms b. Wherefore let vs hoickthis: The giftsof theSpirit and profitable em. ploymentcannot be feparated : heis not truly learned, whocloth not truly la. cLuk.aa. 32, bout : When than art convertedflrengtben thybrethren e. pit y, Secondly,this may llama larger application to all thus, Taalfaith, If dRom.8.9, manhawnot thefpirit ofChrill,the fame is noneofhis a : Now if wee would know whether ChriflsSpirit be in vsor no, we mutt follow Chrifs rule, of fudging eMarhp.ta. the tree by the fruits'. Let vsfeewhat comesfromvs, which may beprofitable roothers la matters concerninglife eterttall. Where bethofe particulars fpolen fr.Theff. to ofin theScripture , admonifhing the vnruy , comforting the feeble minded t,eye. g HeS:o.u4. Where is our crafderingone another toproaoke to loneand togudworkeag ? Where beour prayers,exhortationsand inflrudtions inour families ? Where fuels fruits asthefebe are wanting,there the graces of Gods Spiritare not prerent. He that is notcarefull in his placeto profite others inthewales of godlineffe , hinrfclfe is farre fromany true tale algodlineffe. Zachariewasfilled with the holy Gbofls and he wasforthwith err ployed in afpit ituall feruice, ofwhich even we have the benefit to this day. Thus muchof thePreface. Thedin The ProphecieorHymne it felts may be diuided into twoparts: the Ertl of of the hymn which is touching Chrift and the workeof Saluarion by himwrought, unto the intox yens. t'6. verfe t the fecond is of Mon Baptifi and his office in refpeet ofChad?. Tt:e The a pare ormer part agaiae may be cut intotwomembers : Fiat, a propofition (Blefsd dirdded. be theLord GodofIfrael:) Secondly, theproofethereof,) For he loathvfeed. td redeemedhispeep/e,&c. Inthe própofitionwe ban,note two things: Firft, a dutyperformed : Se- condly, Adefcriptionof the party to whom it is performed. The duty perfor. med,isaBlips ofGad. Toblef god, is an ordinaryphrafe ofScripture, it be- tokeneth nothingelfe; but togirt thankes tóGod for his blefsings received Thefe words,praifeClod,orblir God,orgiuetbonl1es togod, are indrffrentlymil- itated : it is all one asifZacharie hadPaid , Allpraife, isomer,and thankes begins Detlrint q. emu god. The doiftrinecommendedtovs is this; Thatthe praifing and bleffing :be nameofGod for hisgoodnes,iione part ofthatfpiritmall worfhipér feruice,whichos ew- ingfrom esente Gad.ltis plaineby theteat. For Iaske what thatwas which charts hereperformed: Itmutt be anfwered,hat heoffred ep a fcrifice ofthank(: giuing toGod.I askeagaine,Did he therein worship God ? luetliorleffehe did, and that which be did,ptoceededfrom the Spirit ofGod, and could not chufe but be acceptable before him. Out of theirit muftneedes follow, that thankfginìvg is onepartofthat duty which is tobe performedby vsvaro Gerd. This will eaftly be made good by Scripture: Callopen me(faith God)in the dayof:rouble , foi wilt hPfal 1061 f definer thet,er thoufinal: glorifieme' Letvs offerthefairifaofpraifea/waiestoGod', i Thiskindeofferuice is us thofe words compared to thofefweete!Mang facri- fices