Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The ei bridge nenì ofheCjrfet J religion ferueth our owne lofts,and drowning our felues in thepleafures ofan, who haue rcceiued fo great a deliuerancel God forbid. What Ihall wee thinks oftheunthankefull Ifraelires, whobeing mightily deliuered out ofbondage; yet z d t,Qis cryed, It bad beone betterfor pi tofond.theEgyptians'? Weemull: needesfay they wereunworthy offogreat ablefsing. Takeheede weedonotmake it our owne 'cafe. God bath tent his Sonne to redeem vs, and to freevs from the thraldomt ofdeath, of finne, and ofSathan We profeffe that we reioyce in this: yet when webe called upon to (hake offthe yokeof finne, & tobecome thefronts of rigbreoonejJe Y, we feerne to fay aschore Ifraeliresdid, Let vsbeairuft: Wee yRoüte,te would becontent, to be freed from death, thewagesof finne, but thebufinelfeof finne we would rather then ohr life wee might continuein. Wehaue forecor rup humor or other, that, let theLord fay what he will, wee muD needsglue fatisfaetion too. MenwouldferseGedaèdMammontoo., God and theirbelliée iLU&.,6.i3> too', God and drunkennefle too, God and whoredome too, Godand there aph; res pleafure too. This is aposte religion:this is aSlender requitallforfo great; be- nefit as redemption i Thofewhichare redeemed,are redeemedfrom theirvioine ionserfaiionb. If thou beeenfnared in the fenfuall delghe of thineownefines, I Ii a pet,,.ii. cannotfee how it can bePaid ofthee, that thon att oneofGods redeemed. When a bartell is ended , can it be (aide, that fucha oneis ranfomed from the enemy whoDill followeth hiscampe, and willingly lothwhatfoeuer heCommands' No. IfI fee the line in the feruice of fin, Iamfurethou art not yetwithin thecom- paffe ofredemption. Remember we this Vfe : whenthou heareft Redemption fpokenof, thinke thou ; HathGod redcernedvs byhis Sonnetbleed, andfhall 1dram backeandchafe rather torunsmine eldecowl; itsfollowing the laftt offinne?Godfor- bid: Sayrather ;0 Lord,I am thine,tbos haftboaght moo, thon haft pitied faII dean! f forme, thou haft heft right unto me : theewi /lferse : ü ftrengthenme by thygrace that myfeorctfinitemaynot enfnare mesthat corroptissmaynot get dominionoiler mt. K 2 The