Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The é.ifbridgement fthegod. >« made good to theroute of euery true beleeuer. The fourthgeneral) point in this part touching the Evidence of redemption is,Wbotthe Prophets poke: Wherewehauetonotetwo thingst t. TheCum= of that which Godby the Prophetsptomifed todoe by Chdít. verb 7i. x. The in1ucemeut or reafon mooning God fo to doe, lien 72,73. Concerningthe firlt,whereasmentionis madeof enemies andhaters, we muR inquire whatand whothey be. Touchingelicit natureingeneral', they are fpiri- rsall enemies , or etumies in fpirituall things, or for fpirituallrefpe&sa. The uHph.ó,to: chiefeofthemisSathan; beewasthefirti, and is therefore Riled, Asoothe- uloh.t44. re, em the beginning., and an Old Serpents: heedefireth'vstoWinnowvse; and yLuktz t walkth about feeking to demure. Another enemy is fmne, a dangerous ene- a t.Pet 6 s. mie , lurking in ot.r twfome, and. Rill labouringthe mine and ouetthrow of b,.Peca.tr. thefouler Itkloterh lentil the foaleti , and.:iaffethagaita the /jiritS A third 'Gel.gt7;. ennuie is death , fo intitledby the Apoile a, and is therefore Paid to hand a d Cm. q. Sting e, by which it wounds the foule , and.bringeth it within thecompafle of a Vede 55. eternal'mifery. Afourth enemy is the world; that is, wicked, vnreggffnerate, godleffe men. Thefe bee the enemies and haters ofGods people, The world bafetbyaa. faithour Símour tofilch f ; and , In the woridyoaPoll haveoption t; fIohaça9. and,Teflis! lbe hatedofall notionsfarmynamesfakbh. Now let vsalfo fee how true g lob t6.,;. this is,that ChrifbringethDebarronce from thefeEnemies : FHi,fordelluerorsee hMa6.e4.g. from Sathan,itis plain: For this parpofeappeared the SonofGoddimehe might hoof: the weeires'ofeheoiled ; and,Godbathdelineredvsfrom thepowerofdaruneskChrs,E i 1.To6.4.8. barhfpoiled the principalitiesandpowers'. Secondly, for delioeraniefromfsne , the words areexpreffe:Tbeßingofdeath iefînne;t c.BatthanksbeteGodthatharhgi. roenvsviffory,tbresgb oar Lord lefttéChrifl m. Thirdly,for4,lioerancefrom death; m s or.tq. eDeaeb(faiththe Apoftle)ii fwdotted vp intowiftory". Laly,touching delirium= 56,sí: from theworld;Be ofgoodcomfort (faith our Saviour) Ihace oroereome theWorld.. i4 Coo, ag. Letvsproceede yet fureher,and enquire into themanner ofthis deliaerance:Còn. 1;ob,ts 33, cerningwhich, Iwill brieflyopen two things. t. The fubltance apd groundbf theddiderance r 2. The manner of declaring it. The ground of thedeGnermae is the merit ofChriflsdeath. Hewas made fn r,and fo died,and indeathencoun. P d,Cocq.aT tred withhim, Who barI the power-ofdearb,rho dute,? q, By being made fin,hetooke gHob.2..4. away finne,bydyinghe ouercame death : finngbeingabolifhed ,anddeath fubdu. ed,thekingdomeofthe divedwas utterly overtBrowne. As for the manner ofde- Oaringand manifhfiing thisdeliuerance,it íseither in this iife,or heteafrer,In this life hedeliúereth fromSaban, by re(iraining hisrage, by limitinghis malice, by nor giuingvs otterto his aft-auks:7 fhaaeprayed thatthy faitbfailenot Hedefine- r tu(c22.3a' iethfrom) ftnne,by fanftifying vs by his Spìrit , bykilling the firength of our cor. ruption, by transforming vsmore and more into the ImageofGod. Sinne pall not hamdominion oaeryoo t.Hedeliúereth from death,by takingaway thenatural! !Rom. 6, 14. feareofit,byaliaring that itthan beapalage intoglory. ThusTaal knew,that being hoofed hefhould be *ohChriff t. He deliuerethfrom theworld, by ordering a Phil.., 23. therageofeuill men,by gluingconfancy to maintainand profeffethe truth vn. tothe death.Topewit issister, tofiferforbbfake u. In the day of iudgement hee Will further manifelt this deliaerance; for then all teases flood bee Wiped away, there fhail bee no more death., &e. The diuell, with all his angels and wic- x Rea ti. 3, ked inRruments, (hall bee rent away eternally intohell. riseÇodofpeacefball 4. oreado Sachan underoarfeet (itere/y Y. Many things might heerc bee handled, as yRom.t,40. oftheExcellencieof ourredemption, forre exceeding that of e}ylofes, Debo- rab, Godean, andothers; ofour fecuritie, whohauing fomanyenemies , yet take no thought to withlkand them, and filch likepoints: But the chiefe things obferuable here , is Thecertainely of the falaation of Gods chafer,:. If any thing The 1; do. could endanger them , and worke their ruine , it mu/ bee one of theft foute, Sathan, Sinne, Death, the World;.no fifecan be thought vpona But none of L theft