Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

15+ The- ebridgement(fthe C f el. lodging that thou art worthyofeuerfafling death and condemnation. Thus did Daniel,O Lordveto vs belongeth .openfh a rm. r: Thus didthe Frodióall,' amno more _.r:.11 . z1. worthy tobe called thyfonner. Fitly, thoumufttwíthasmuch earneftneße as thou pnfibly cant, increase the Lord for Chrifts Cake to pardon th e;and neuer leave him, till he giue thisbleßedanfwerto thy confcience, that all thy fines are cleanpat outofhis rememberance.Thus we are taught todoe; Take vnroyou words, andturn to the'L»rd,.andfnq metahim, Turne awayalliniquity, andrevise vs t iinC rç i gratisfly o. Thus did Daniel; Omy Gad, incline thine ears and heare, &e, O Lord uDao.9.,3;19 heart, O Lord forgive,.O Lordconfider r & c. Laffly,thou muffbegge grace and llrengrh tobe able to walke innewneflèoflife. Sodid David; Let thygoodSpirit sPfzl ,t+;,m,,loade ens intothe land frighteofnefex: This isthe onlyway toobtaineremifonof liuses, if we would befared, this isa thingwhich ought dailyto beedone; wee mutt be ever reckuing with our fclues a dill arcking our fettles before God, fill laying open our corruptions before him,frill bewailing our weakeneß'es,ffulCu- ing for Mercy, fill labouring that our firmsmay be fhaken eff, and the gracesof, God increafed in vs. Are thefelfrange things to our knowledge, Rrangetoour praftife, haue we neuer .thought vpon taking this firkins and flrift andthorow court,. with our felues? furely our frnuesdoe yet hang eposthe fileinGods high court, the bill agaiuft vs 'is vucancelled, and in the day of account weecannot eleope. It is my duty regime knowledge offaluation, and to teach that our faluation ftands in the remiffonof tines, and to drew you the way how this rem:Bien may yr Sam:rz.n be obtained : & godforbid that fhealdceafe tofbtwyouthsgood & the right wayY. If now , when the way is thus landedforth vnto you, youwill fay, as theydid.of u ten6.1 ó. old, We willnot walk,. therein ',you mullPuffer mee toconclude with Wes, lcall after,. a.o6, /seamenand earth to recordagain/ iyou, tbitday,rhatyoufhallfhoytlyperifhe .Thusmuch for the fourth branch. The fife is the fountaineout ofwhich thisMadam , which hands in the-re_ miffion ofennes,doth flow,in thofe words, Through the tender mercy ofour God:I he phrafe of fpcech heere is very effeâuall. For tachariefatisfieth not himfelfe to fay mercy, but he mentioneth, Bowels ofmercy. It isfpoken after the manner of men, to note outan exceeding tenderneffe and towardneßeofcompaf(ion, filch as is, when a pitifull perfon his very bowelsyearneand are mooned within him , to behold Come wofull ordtltreffedfpeitacle. So themercy ofGod inthis cafe is notordinary, but more full ofcomniferation, Then any man potlibly can ima gine. Hence are we taught that,- (which hat' bin often touched intisisHymne) Thez. doa. namely,That thefupreame caufe,ihefirfä root ofourfalitationis the richesof Godi mer- bRom,9.n;. cy,rhe reniernes ofhis voluntary&free cap ontowards. vs.Hence is itthat theele& cnp,z.°'3, are calledVeffilt ofmercy b,bec2.ufe thewhole workeoftheir faluati6,can beafcri- 44. bed to noother thing but finely to mercy. Éxcellent is theplace ofthe Apoflle ° ; Thus and thus we were bgnature, deadin ire f of es & infins,childrin ofwrath, &c. Whencd is it that we are brought into a better efface? God, which is richin mercy, &c. hash quickened vi;&c.Taulfaith ofhimfelfe that he had fometimes binablaf- pbemer,&aperfecntor,anoppreffer: whence same it,that he was not fo íf ill?was it for himfelfe?no l was receiutdomercyfaithhBlefedbeGod,&c. which accor- tit Tim.1.13, ding tohis abundant mercy., &c.TheScripture is veryprecilt inthispoint,in afcri- bing eueryfpecialty to Godsmercy &free grace.Touchingele&ió,it is called the fRom.1 l.ç. eloflion efgrace°.Touching vocarion,icisfaid tobee according tograceg.Touching gz 'rim.1.9. faith,it is laid tobeginen b. Touching iuftification, it is raid tobeefreelyby Gods h Phil.1.29. race=.Touching every,good moti&itis raid, that it 4Gent Which wirrkesie k.Tou. 111,17:11,1: ching life eternal], it is termed agift t.The holy -Scripture laboured' in nothing 1 aom.a,z;. more then to proue thatGodwas moved by nothing in the matterof mans f al- ,n Nay43 r 5. .sand, but only byhis merey.l;eué,am he thatpattethaway thine iniquitiesfor mine n EPlr.,3. ownfake m. And indeed ifour naturalleflate be cóldered,it maltneeds be, thatall PS000 ç'°' wil beafctibedtomercy:Chtidrenofwrath',Enemietto God o,our imaginations only tuidr,onr