Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The e/l6ridgementofthe Wei. x53 to their owne deeds. If thou wouldefttbefaued,thismufbee thy Plea : O Lard1 + hsnefretted, Jaen inm, beg carafes, 7befeeebtheefar Chri11topardon ore : andnot, Lord beholdthis I have done,thns ;hawdejerieed,tberfore Irertired theeoftby irfiit, to reward me. The fecond vfe, is matterofexhortation co eueryoneof vs. For beholde, our The2.Pp fsluation (lands in the remifionoffinnese Doeft thou then deGretobefaued? then thou mull labour that thyGnnesmay beepardoned : This followethmecca farily. It is a woeful' thing to Tookeupon the mod : They pretend an expeâari_ onand a defrreof faluation ; talkewith them, theywillfay theydelre it and pray for ir:yetofal! other things RnuJfinoffrme, is that which is leadlaboured for. If any man thould withSalomon , Rand in thewindow ofhis bowie, and laoke t and , Prou.r.6, confider the touslesof men, how (hould hec fee them employed ?Somegaping after wealth,tomeRriuing tobecome great,and to fet theirnefi onbit %Come run. ping after vainedelights, fome plotting and undying for reuenge, Come drin- king,fome gaiming, formplaying the wantons, fomepranking vp themfelues,all of them guilty before God, ofmorefinnes then therebeegraffe pilesvpou the earth, and yet fcarcely any oneferioufly burying himfelfeaboutthis, how his fins maybe pardoned, and his iniquities couered. I we fhould feea malefaelour guilty of many. capitall trefpaffes, taken and imprihoned, and the dayofthe .(lifeapproching, and yet the fame man tobe fecureand iocund and gamefome; would we notall coudemnehim foradefperate perfon, and fay, weewondered bowhee could bee fomerry , hauing fo many foule matters tobeeput inagainf him, andnot knowing howto efcape? yesdoubdef e. Andyet euen fo is the cafe with vspeirfinnerarè more numberthen tbe hairs ofoarhead g; taken webe, and gr(ai.go.,x. cannot hide our felues from theLord,(forwhitherfsaRWe f eefremhispreform'?) h ffai. 139.7 aafwer to particularswecannot, to endure thetriall is is a thing vnpofsible;for if thou, O Lord firaitlj rnarkefiinoquites,O LardwhoA dfiasd,? and,can thine heart i rlal. 3.014: endure, or can thy bands be prong inthedais that 1fhadhosedoe With thee k? The k E5eka very fight ofthn Judgeat the dayof recisningwill makersy e.eh, meauca/oes, t e Fag on vs,and to the hilt, Covervrt.What then(hall we fay ofour owne felues,who I Luk. 133o; for all this, Reepe vpou the elbowesofour ownefecurity, and put thefe things fare fromourthoughts , and neuer gotaboutto fueout a di(charge; and tobee comfortablelyfecured inour confciences ofGods fauour? This fecuritycannot bee excufed; well may wee fleepe inour negligence, butour Damnationfeeperb net n, andwe (hallCutely perifh in burcarelefne(fe, Thou wiltfay (perhaps) vnro m Stets.;. me;Yoti fpeake muchofmy negligence, you blamemet fornotricking the par- don ofmy finnes, but youteach meenotthe way by which I might obtainethis fauour. Hearken therefore, whofocuer thouart,.which delimit tobee initru&ed in this thing. Thereis nonecan forgive finnesbut God ; theonely perfon, in and by whom firmesarepardoned,isChriltlefus. Themeansofobtainingpardon from.God theFather by Chrif, is fetdowne brieflybySaint lahr: Ifwe oeknow. .ledgeoar finnes, heisfoithfull andiv/? toforgivewon,fimeer...Thus then thoumud nt.loh.z.9, proceede ifthoudeliire Remiffsenoffones: Fin I, thoumull vfe a diligent and Ieri- ous examinationofthine owneheart by the LaweofGod , to fee how the cafe flandeth with thee,andwhat hoesandcorruptions thou art guilty of. This the Scripture teacheth; Let vsfearchand tryoarWaies v. Secondly, thou mull in thine owne thoughts arraigne thy felle beforeGod, fuppofsng thateuen now the day °x of reckning were,and thou wertnow isllantly to anfwerbefore God Thirdly, thou mud put vp an accufationaging thy felfe,ripping vp all thyknownflans, without leffening them, without excufing them, without hiding them, without takingupon thee todefend them: Thus didDavid; 7 know mine iniquities, and try firm w ester beforesie. Againfl thee, againfi theeenely haueffmned :,Eyre. Thus did Prat,.3.4 Ezra;Oser iniquitiesare increafedOtter ourhead, andour tref,afe isgrownevp to heel. wen n. Fothrtbly, chou mudgoe on, toOm the fentenceagaind thy felfe,ackonw. yfizra.94 O ledging