Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

NM 6 .. . 0 " TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVLL, MY VERA GOOD LADY, THE LADY EL I2 A BHT N CAMPrANovVNE, of Modbúrie. Ai A MB, beingwellpertvaried bath of yourgood knowledge in Gods holyTruth,& ofyour I nfained affellien thereunto, I haue emboldened myfollie to prefect youwith thefitwo Sermons touchingTruth: yetnotfor yourfelfe alone, but thatfromyen, they may paffe to thecommon life opal the Loners ofthe Truth. 'doubtnot but thatyour Lady/ripclothboth fee, atsdbewailethe mi/erie oftheft wretched times, inwhichAtheifne andPolicy(fàlfly foca ¡ed;beingindeed little better the» plainevillanie) and temporizing, haueltkeacancer,frettedout thevery heart ofPietie. They arebut afewwhichfiehetofearchout she Certainty inmatters o Religion, or which care to hone ftablifh txedhearts, and to Let.4: knewprecifily, Whichú the true God, Baal or the Lord. Menhadrather tK ng.Ssv: halt betweene twoopinions, that lie they may be forall times, thenvn- dergoe the labour ofgaining andadui fed refolution. on the otherfide, if we come to thole, (which yet willneedsbe religious) what a wefull falling away doe webehold? In fame topopery, being led captiue (God in inflict s ìm 8.6. finding them ftrongdelnftons) y chafe Falfebrethren, whichare privily ,Thee: a° tr< crept into euerycorner, through theremiffeneffe oftheft eurll times. In o. Gats.4. therforce toprophaneueffe,and to that whichre ofallother the worfí,luke- warmenesso that we may wellfay,Except the Lord ofHofes had refer- tree Flat tiedvotovseuenafmalremnant ,culling out(as itwere)one ofaCity,and twoofaTribe,as the Shepherd takethout ofthemouth ofaLion,two Amo,it..xs; legges,or a piece ofan care, according to the eletlion tifgrace; we thould longere this haueberneasSodome , and likevntoGomorrha: wee bad Beene (as it isPaidofa curled tongue) a very worldofwickedneffe. Now, 1om.4.o, things beingfa, there are three duties requiredOfall that feareGod The zT,m.4, fieft is, to long for the Appearing ofChrift, and to cry daily, with the Reu.oso. fides voider the Altar, HowlongLord, holyand true ! Euen fo,come Lord Iefus. The other ir, to beware, left theybe pluckt awaywith the 2 2 c04.27. errour ofthe times, and fallfrom their ovineftedfaftneffe. The thidls, lade euery manin hisplace, earneftly to contend for themaintenance ofthe mmsao. Faith andthe adrtancementoftbeGoth; and:obeasrnditflrious,tocon- Adagsi uert thegoers affray, asthe Pharifiicall, both lefuilesand Seculars are, to comparefea and land, and tomake men oftheir profeffion, and to Mai.sj.x;. D , lunar