Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

44 The SoulesefeE`uall eating toChriff. you,therefore take all the leffonout,and then ti.e heart will becheered, and thy foule infóme mea- lure enabled to comeon to theLord, and will fee force glimpfesofconfo!ation from the Spirit. Quef7. _: We fee the leffon , what muff be learned: now we muff fee the reafon why the Lordmuff teach this lefíon. rinfw. Ianfwer, It is not appropriated to the Father alone, for the Father teaches not alone ; but the Sonne and theholyGhoff teach too.But why then doth the Text give it to the Father ? Here I an- fwer direUly, becaule the Father wasdire1yof.. fended with the finne of man. I Ioh, r.7. Ifwee Pane, wee have an advocatewith the Father, narne- ly. the Lord jefus Chriff, to plead for us with the Father. He loth not lay, wee take an advocate withan advocate, that dot:, nor plead withhim- l lfe : the reafon is, God the Father was dire¿}ly offended ; though all the perlons in theTrinity were olfended,yet rho Fathermored re6fly,Now he that is direâfly offended, favour and mercy muff come from him, to the party that dothof- fend: and that is the reafon why Chrift efpecially calf thhupon the Father. Take a creditor rhat harh money, or creditors that are bankrupts; now this is no meaner tohelpe and fuccour rhefe men : but it lyeth upon the creditor tha, oweth the debt, for heonely it ismuff come to f rf=ive thedebts: for irishereGod the Father, beï.,gdi- retfly offended by th. fonne of man, therefore from him in the firft place, muffproceed the par- don, and mercy to the fonneof man. Hence it comes