Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

The P K E F A C E. ing (and which was aften~·ard Printed) I f.~w him Embraced by the "rd,teft Prelates, and courted to fray in that Country, and was foon after ~1adc Dean, and then Biil1op of Rapl,oe, and afterward, mol! defervedly, rranflated to Uerry. In the firfi of which Bifhopricks (as I am informed) he fpent about a Thouf.~nd Pounds in Buildings and othe~· Improvements: And, in the !aft, be was at a very greatExpence to Beauti!ie and Adorn Ius Cathedral, and in FurniD1ing it with Organs. and Maffie Plate; and, in both, he was a great Precedent of Piety and Holinefs. He was a burning and a fhining Light. He knew that p.6v@,.l.; .,.,;ore;,.,;:; ?d-)1Jv1@.. .,-~>,@. 1(9-l P-• rl1@.., and did tl1erefore preach loudly by example. His Aa1ons were Inftru&ive Sermons, and Ius StrJa L1fe and U nblameable Converfatwn had !'rCat Inl1uence on all about him. Af his Table he was pioufly pleafant and religiouOy ingenious, and doubly feafted all who did eat with him; for he had a clc'u- Head and folid Judgment, a ~uick Fan~y and a flowing Wit, and was every-way accompliDJed for Addrcfs and tor D1fcourfe, and was fo Courteous and Affilble, fo Gentle and fo Obliging, fo Inftruaive and Communicative, that all who converfed with him, loved and admired him; and though he kept a very 1 'oble anJ Hofpitable Houfe, yet was it fumous for Regularity and Order. And in the midft of the greateft Plenty, Gravity and Sobriety were moif lhicl:lv obfcrved. It was indeed a Temple and an Oratory, for in it Pr:1\crs and Prailes, Catechifing and Reading the Scripture, were newr om.itted. He conltantly expounded it to his Family, explained fome part of 1he Ld[ons, and made D1ort, but rare Obfervations upon them ; and beoclc the PublickPrayers, he was very often at his Private Devotions, and fpeilt much time in Divine Meditations. Thus did he behave him[elf in his Houfe; thus did he infirua his Family, and bring hiS Children up ln the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord. And, if you tollow him to the Pulpit, you'll find him there conftantly, once a S11nday, while his Health permitted it; and fmely all who heard him will f.,y, his Sermons were Learned and Eloquent; Pious and MethoQi_ca1, and, as· his 1lfotto was, Aut fleavitate aut vi, he, either by fweet Difcourfes and charming Exhortations, · or by ft1·ength of Reafon and powerful Arguments, drew many to Cluift. He never omitted that Duty, but preached in his Throne when he was not able to afcend the Pulpit: And, for l1is Excellency in that Noble Faculty, he was celebrated by all Men. Ho was followed and admired in all Places where he lived, and was jufily ellecmed one of the beft Preachers ofour Age. And his Difcourfes always fmelt of the 1 .amp ; they were very elaborate and well digefted. He had a Noble Library, and delighted in it,. and was, as Tertu!liart fays of J,·.eneus, Omni11m Do[/rmarttm curiojij]i'mus e.xplorator. l-Ie was a good Linguift, and excelled in Polemick and Cafuiftical Divinity. Many flocked to him to have their Doubts refolved; and he gave Light and Comfort to clouded and affiiaed Confciences; and was admirably accomplifl1ed with many other Parts of ufeful Learning. And, if you corroder him as aBi!hop, you will own, that God had blelfed him with Wifdom and Sagacity, with Zeal and Courage, \V'itli Temper and Moderation, and all other necclfary Virtues for a Governor and Ruler in the Church; and furely none was more careful ofhisDiocefs, being conftantly refident, and bringing in learned and ingenious Men into all Livings in his Gift and Patronage: And was a mol! tender and indulgent, yet UriCl: and vigilant Ruler ofhis Clergy. He always treated them as Brethren and Friends, with all kindnefs and refpea, and would fpare B no