Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

An Bxpojition upon the + . Fourthly, Confider the Duration a~d Continuan~e of that Vengeance which COO n:111 rake upon thofe who thus hat~ lu~. <?n thetr own 1~rf~ns he will revenge lumfelf eternally, and be ever fat1sfymg: h1s wronged Jufhce m their infi1 ffcnble Torments: But on their Pofterity he will be avenged unto the third and fourth Gc~ ~1e:ation. And y~t even in this very Threatning there is Mercy contained; Mercy lt. JS th.:~.tfuch a wicked and accurfed Race are not cut off, and caftout of his fi ght and .grace for ever; and that where once the wrath of' God hath feized on any Family, it doth not burn down and confume the whole before it: But he gracionfly ftops its ~ourfe) and giv.cs not way to all his fury; and in this, Mercy glorifies it felf agamft Judgment, m that he lheweth Mercy unto Thoufands, but vifiteth Iniquity only unto the third and fourth Generation. The Third Commandment. 1rbou ll}alt not t•lke tf)e name of tbe rL.oJb tbr <!Poll tn batn : fo~ tbe U.o~b tbill not !)olb btm gutltltf.s tbat tallrtD· JJi.S name in l:latn. IT is a known Rule, that all the Precepts of the Law refpetl either thofe Duties . which we owe immediately unto God, or thofe which we owe immediately untd Man; the former conft:itlltc the firft, the latter the fecond Table. The Commands of the firft: Table Jre prefcribed us, for the regulating our Divine Worlhip; which is either internal and more fpiritual, or external and more vifible. The interna l Worlhip of God, with the humbleft veneration of our Souls, and moft fincere Affillions of our Hearts, is required of us in the firft Commandment, as I have already declared. The external Worlhip of God confift:s of Three Parts, Prolhation of the Body ; Profcnlon of the Mouth ;-and the Obfervation of prefixed Time. And each of there hath a p3rticular Command to injoin them. The firft of thefc, viz.. Proftration of the Body, is required in the fecond Commandment; of which I have fpoken. , The fecond, viz.. Profeffion of the Mouth, comes next to be confidered. And to guide and regulate this, we have our Rule prefcribed in the third Precept of this Table : 7hou Jbait not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, C:}•c. In which words we have: J. Firft, A Prohibition, Thou jl1alt not tale, &c. Jl. Secondly, A Commination or Threatning, For the Lord roil! not hold him guiltlefs that, &c. ' In the Prohibition Three Things are to be inquired into: 1. Firft, What is meant by t11eNameofGod? 2. Secondly, What it is to take the Name of God? 3· Thirdly, What it is to take God's Name in vain? r. Firjl, What is meant by the Name of God? I anfwer, The Name of God hath fundry Aeceptations in the Scripture. Firft,