Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

The Several Subjects contained in this Volume. i. TH E Vanity of the World, Qn Eccl. r. 2. Page r Two Sermons, (r.) Preached at the Funeral of Algernoon Grevill, Efq; on Eccl. 9· )· • 22 (2.) Preached at Chrift-Church in Dublin, Jan. p. I669. on I Pet. 2. q, I~ 37 II. Anbpojition on ·theCommandments, S• JYith Two Sermons, on John 7· '9· 216 And Gal. 3. I o. 2~6 HI. A Prailical Expojitwn on the Lord's Prayer, 23 I IV. Several Difiouifes on Several lmportdnt Subjefls; viz. (1.) TheF~IIyofSinners, onProv.I4·9· H7 (2.) Trtte Happinefs, on Revel. 22. 14. Hl (3.) The Refstrreaion of Chrijl, on Acts 2. 24. 3 SI (4.) Brotherly Admonition, on Levit. rg. '7· 357 (s-) Dreadfulnefs ofGod's Wrath, on Heb. 10· JO, p. 367 (6.) Man's Mortality, on Heb. 9· 27. 381 (7.) DMger of Little Sim, on Mat. )· r 9· 389 (8.) Abjlainingfrom all Appearance of Evil, I Thef. )· 22• 404 (g.) Prejumptuous Sins, on Pfal. rg. q. 4'4 (ro.) Forgivenefs of Sin, on Ifa.4l· 25. 4B (r r.) Rege~~eration, on John l· ) · 472 (rz.) Alf.[ufficiency of Chrijl to Save, on Heb. 7· 2$· )r8 (r l·) HeavenlyTreajims, on Mat. 6. 21, 22, HS (r4.) NativityofChrijl, on Luke 2. q, '4· 57o (IS·) Bleffednefs of dying in the Lord, on Revel. '4· I r )79 (16.) Pra{fical Chrijlianity, on Phi]. 2. 12, 'l· )86 (q.) Serving God with Revmnce and Godly Fear, on Heb. 12. 28, 29. 639 (18.) On Confcience, Aas 24. r6. · 66o (19.) l'erfeverance in Prayer, on r Thef. S· '7· · 674 ( zo.) God's Omniprefence, on Pfal. IJ9· 7, 8, g, Jo, 684 ( z r.) Divine Providence, on Mat. ro. 29, 30. 693 (22.) 7J{e of the Holy Scriptttres, on Col. l· r6, 70) (23.) The Almojl Chrijlian, on Acts 26. z8. 720 (2~) Mortification, on Rom. 8. q. 849 T HE