Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

2· An Expojition upon tbe .To this I anfwcr in the Negative, that we are not: For we are ' bomid to no~ thmg by the Law of MoftJ, but only what was of Moral and Natural Right in that Law; and as for other Ordinances which were pofitivc, we are fct free from t~em, by that Liberty which fc!hs Chrift bath purc_hafed for, and conferred upon h1s Church. We do not celebrate the Lord's-Day It felf upon any 0bligation laid upon us by the Letter of this fourth Commandment, (for that exprefly in joins tl1e feventh Day from the Creation, whereas ours is the eighth) but only from the Analogy and Proportion of Moral Reafon; which requires that a due and convenient Portion of our Time fhould be fcparated to the Service and Worlhip of God. But for the flxin~ of the very Day, why it fhould be this rather than any other we acknowledge it to proceed from the Confecration of it by our Saviour's Rcfn.:recHon, the Infl:itution of the Apofl:les, and the confequent Pratricc of the Univerfal Church of Chrifr in all Ages, as I have already declared. And therefore lhould we as fcrupuloully and nicely obferve it in all Circumfrances, as the Jews did their Sabbath; poffibly it WO\lld not be a Sanfrification of the Sabbath, but a fond andgroundlefs Supcrftition. The Lord's Day is therefore to be obferved, as only in things that arc in themfeh•cs Moral and Rational: Nor wi\1 this give any Scope to the Libertinifm of thofc who 'Vonld willingly indulge themfclves, either in Worldly Affairs, or loofe Recre~tions on this Day. For it is Moral and Rational that the whole of that Day, whteh is fct apart for the Worlhip of God, lhould be employed in his Worlhip. This likewife is Moral, and of Spiritual Obligation, that we do not our own Pleafilre, nor fpeak our own Words on his Holy Day, as the Prophet expreffeth it, J(a. ~8. t 3· This obligeth us Chrifl:ians, as well as the Jews. For jf a Day be dedicated unto God, certainly every vart and parcel of it belongs unto him; and we ought to reft from all our Worldly Employments, that might fteal away our Thoughts and Affct\:ions from God, or indifpofe us to his Spiritual Worfhip and Service. But yet this extends not to thefe fmall PunCl:nalities of gathering Sticks, kindling :1 Fire, and preparing Food for our felves i for thefe things doubtlefs may be done, without being any Morallmpediments to our Piety and Devotion on this Day: Yea, they m.1y be Moral Helps and Fnrtheranccs unto it. For notwithftanding this Reft and Cefiltion from Labour, that is required from us on the Lord's-Day, yet there are three forts of Works that may, and ought to be performed on it, how great foever our Bodily Labour may be in doing them. And they are, Works of Piety. VVorks of Ncceffity. And, Works at Charity. Firfl; Works of PietYare to be 'Performed on the Lord's Day ; yea on this Day efpecially, a~ being the proper W?rks of the Day: And fuch are n?t o.nly thofe which confift m the internal Operauons of the ?oul, as Heavenly .Meditations, and Spiritual Affections; but fuch alfo as confift m the external ACl:1ons of the Body, as Oral Prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and preaching of the Word; yea on this Day are Minifters chiefty employed in their Bodily Labour, and fpending of their Spirits, yet it is far from being a Prophanation of the Lord's Day; for Holy Works are mort proper for Holy Days. And not only are fuch Works to be perform~ ed on the Lord's D::ty, but they were injoined alfo on the ~ewifh Sabbath. And therefore faith our Saviour Matth· 12. )· Haw ye not rtad tn the Laro, horo that on the Sabbath Day; the PriePs'in the Temple prophane the. Sabbath, ~tnd yet be blamele(s? This Word therefore o( prophaning the ~abbath, IS not to be underftood of a formal Prophanation, as if they did_ that whK_h was unlawful to be ~on~ ?n that Day, but only of a Material Prophanauon '; that ts, they lal?<>nre~ hard m ktlhng and flay~ ing, and dividing and boyling, and burn~ng the S~cnfices m the Tempt:: which, had they not been inftituted parts of Gods Worfinp, had be~n Prophanatt?ns of the Sabbath ; but being comman<J,ed by God, were fo far fr?m bemg P~oph~nations, that . they were SanCl:Hi.cations of that Day. And upon thts account hkew1fe were Sabbath DlYS Journies permitted to the Jews, which though they were not Actions of P1ety