Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

130 An Expojition upo11 tbc --------~-------- 2. is not only the NegleCt and Co.nrempt of this Ordinance by fame, but the feldom celebrating it by all. The ApofHe, where he fpeaksof this Holy lnftitution, intimates, that it fhould be freqnemly difpens'd and participated, t C1r. 1 r. 26~ A; often a1 ye Ear thu Bread, And Drink thi; Cup. Let us confider then, what dithonour they re flea upon Chrift, who although this Ordinance be too feldom admini· fired, yet either totally withdraw themfelves from it, or very rarely partake of it.. I fhaU no longer infift upon this, but leave it to God and your own Confcienccs: For certainly, if either Perfuafion, or Demon!tration it felf, could prevail againfr Refolution, ·enough bath been many times faid heretofore, to rpare me the Labour of making this Complaint any more. And thus much concerning the SanCl:ification of the Lord's Day, in the publick Duties of his Wor01ip and Service. But what, haft thou no Sabbath-Workto do, after thou returneft from the Con· gregation and Publick AfiCmblies? Yes, certainly, the Day is not done when the Church diffolves, for the whole of it i~ Holy to the Lord. And therefore, SecondiJ. \Vhen you return every one to your Families, there are Private and Fa~ mily-Duties to be performed. \Valks and Vilits are not to be Evening..Work of the Sabbath, but Holy and Spiritual Conferences are then proper, either to bring to your remembrance the Truths you before have heard, or to engage your own Hearts, or the Hearts of others, to admire and magnifie God, for all his great Wonders of Providence and Redemption. lndeed, if a W:1lk be thus improved; it may be a Walk to Heaven. So we find how the two Difciples, who on this n3y were walking to Emmatu, entertained themfelves, and fuorcned their Way with Spiritual and Holy Dif"ourfes, Luke .24. 13. But thofe who have Families to look after, will be belt employed, in feeing that thofe who are under their Charge~ fpend the vacant time of the Sabbath in Holy Exercifes, either reading the Scripture, or giving an account of what Truths they have been taught, or joining with them in Praifes and Prayer unto God; or indeed in all of thefe in their feveral Courfesand Order, till Night calls for l\epofe, and delivers them over with a fweet Seafoning and Bleffing, to the Labours and Employments of the enfuing Day and .Week. And, · · Thjrdly, If there be any fpare time from thefe Publick and Private Duties, then fanCHfie it by entring into thy Clofet; and there un. bofom thy Soul before God in fecret Prayer, fpread thy Requefts before him, lay open thy \Vants and Defifes. And though perhapsthou art not gifted toward a Prayer, yet figh and groan out a Prayer ; for thy God hears thee, and he underftands the Language of Sighs, and knows the meanings of his Spirit in the inarticulate Groans of his Children. Here, likewi[e in Secret, meditate on what thou haft heard; admire the Glory of God in his Works, the Goodnefs of God ~n his Providences, the infinite Mercy of · God in his Promifcs. Certainly, Medirat_ion is one great Dllty of a Sabbath; without which, to hear the Word of God only, is but to fwallow our Meat without chewing it. lt is Meditation that makes it fit for Nourifhment. This fucks the Juice and Sweetnefs out of it, concorporates it into us, and turns it into Life and Subftance. Thus, if we endeavour to fanft:ifie the Lord's Day, the Lord will fanetifie his Day, and his Ordinances unto us, and by them convey fo much Joy and Comfort into our Souls, that they fhall be a temporary Heaven unto us, and fit us for that Eternal Sabbath, where we fhall continually give Praife and Glory_ unto him, that fitteth upon the Throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever. So much for the Fourth and Laft Commandment of the Firft Table. The