Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

Fifth Commandment. ther or chief of the Family, having Power of Life and Death over his Children, neceffity at laft taught them to devolve both the Cai'e and the Authority of this Charge upon fame feleC\:ed Perfons, to whom they committed theGovernment both of themfelves and theirs. So that Magirtrates fucceeding in the Place an4 Office of Parents are now the Publick Fathers, having the fame Power devolved upon them which formerly refided in the FJthers of Familie9. Hence we rea? that :ommon and fucceffive Name of the Kings of the Philiftines, Abimelech, wluch figmfies the King my Father. Secondly; The Maft.er of. a private Fami~y is likewife a Father, and that not ?nly with refpetl: unto his Children, but to hts very Servants : and therefore, 2 Kmgs S· 13· we find that Naaman is called Father by his Servants, My F.1ther, if thf Prophet had bid thee do {tmu great thing, &c. , · Third!); A Teacher in any Art, Science, or Invention, is likewife called a F.:ithet.' Thus Gm. 4· ·20, l I. ']4bal is fa id to be the Father ~r fuch as dweU in Tents, and ']ubal to be the Father of {uch as handle the Harp and Orgart. Fourthly; A Superior i~ Wifdom and Counfel is likewife called a Father. So in Jofeph•s Speech, Gen. 45· 8. GFJd h..ttb made me a Father to Pharaoh•. Fifthly; The Minilters of the Gofpel have Iikewife the Honourable Titles of Fathers conferred upon them. And that both becaufe indeed they arc Superior to the People in things appertaining unto God, having the Difpenfation of the Grace of the Gofpel committed unto them; and becaufe likewife through the Concurrence of the Spirit's Operation with their Miniftery, they beget Souls unto Jefus Chrift. Thus St. Paul tells the Church, 1 C1r. 4· I5· that he was their Father, having begotten them through the Gofpel. And therefore we have great rcaf0n to magnify our Office, in the Execution and Performance of which we ought to demean our felves as Fathers, with all Gravity and Authority; and to let thofe know whofe petulant Aflionts and Scorns tend to the vilifying both of our Perfons a.nd FunCtions, that they defpife not us only, but JcfusChrilt who hoth fent us, and the Eternal Father who hath fent him. So he himfelf bath told us, Luke ro. 16. He that defpifeth you, defp~(eth me; and he that defpifeth me, defpiferh him that fenr me. Sixthly; Superiors in any Gift of Divine Providence, whether of Riches, or of Age, or of Knowledge, and the like, are to be Reverenced and Honoured by us as Fathers; fo t Tim, 5• I, 2. The Elders intreat as Fathers, and the Elder Women as MotlJtr$. So ~hat you fee how large and copious this word ~a~ her is, taking in many other Relauons and States of Men be fides thofe to whom It IS now commonly applied. Here then, in opening to you the fum of this Commandment, 1 fuall endeavour t? lbew you what are the mutual and reciprocal Duties of thefe following Relations; · 6 . Fi'JI, Of Natural Parents, and their Children. 1 ; Secondly, Of Magiftrates fupream and fubordinate, and their SubjeCls. · 2 • Thi,dfJ, Of Husband and Wife; for there likewife is a Superiority refident in . the one, and Obedience due from the other. Four~hiy, Of Mall:ers and Servants. Fif thly1 Of Minill:ers, and the People committed to their Charge-. Si~thly, The :quti.es of thofe who have a Superiority either in the Gifts of Go? s GtJ_ce, or ot h1s Bounty towards thofe that are lnferiour to them; and of the1rs reCiproc:l!ly towards thofe that excel. th~OC0~1~\~~~~~J~ are Fathers, and Honour is required to be given them by virtue 0 f I know 1 am now enteri~g upo~ a Work, .which to many will be very harfh and unpleafing. For, as there IS nothmg wherem the Truth and Power of Godllnefs . and the very Life of Religion is more concern'd, than a confcientious Performanc~ <Jf relative Dutie!.; fo t~erc !s nothing that grates and jars more upon the Spirits of Men, than to be pu~ ln mmd of, a!ld reproved about thefe ·nuties , which are of fnch common and dally occurrence m the whole Courfe of our Lives. Yet I be.. feech you lay your Prej~dices and AffeCtions under th~ Authority of God's Word., and be perfuaded to believe ~hefe Things to be exceedmg weighty and momentous ( ~ow plain foever they may be) which not oniy the Light and Law of N:ltur~ d1C\ates unto us, but the Spirit of God hath been pleafed frequen tly to recommend N n io. 4· ~ · 6.